Post news RSS 1.03/Update

Today we come to you with a new version of The Lance's Legend, and with it comes screenshots showing off lots of new things. So, I will start off with telling about the new version. First off, we have 5 new areas, and we changed things on every other one. The mailbox got a tiny overhaul, so it

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Today we come to you with a new version of The Lance's Legend, and with it comes screenshots showing off lots of new things. So, I will start off with telling about the new version.

First off, we have 5 new areas, and we changed things on every other one. The mailbox got a tiny overhaul, so it is more accessible and whatnot. Some of the grammer we used was lame, so that has been fixed. (I think :p) The 2 Manni Guild quests are finally finishable, so that you can move on to better things. We are testing out Arilon to see if it looks good with a minimap, tell us what you think of it. Here is some picture of the beta minimap.

User Posted Image

Now, to download the new 1.03 version. We have two mirrors, just in case the one in our profile won't work.
TLL 1.03 ModDB
TLL 1.03 Rapidshare

If you have any comments or suggestions related to The Lance's Legend, feel free to use the information on our moddb profile to contact us. And, remember that this is an alpha version, and it may still have plenty of bugs.

leilei - - 5,721 comments

hahaha rpg maker 2000/2003 games are accepted now?

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cheeseyballz - - 726 comments

Yeah i guess, it looks fun though... i am always up for beating a nice old fashioned RPG :D

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