congratulations stop
Your discovery is considered extremely important but also highly classified stop
all excavations on zubben must cease immediately stop
all personnel unnecessary for base operation must enter cryo chambers immediately stop
we have sent the research vessel the USS Arizona and it should reach you whithin 3 weeks time stop
once it arrives the crew on the uss arizona will take care of everything stop
you have all done a great job stop good luck stop
>>> final stop

You probably have guessed it already, but the U.S.S. Arizona is not a research vessel and these are not scientists on-board. Whatever the research team on ZUBBEN discovered, the earth government is going to do everything in its power to keep anyone else from knowing about it, even if it means killing everyone.
You are Gordon Freeman JR., A research assistant and a junior administrator on the ZUBBEN ground base. You give the orders to wake you up as soon as the U.S.S. Arizona enters ZUBBEN’s atmosphere and then you step into the cryo chamber, not knowing that this is going to be your last peaceful sleep for a very VERY long time.

Objective: After the Arizona lands and all hell breaks loose, try to get to the communication tower which is located outside of the base perimeter. The transmitters on top of the tower should give you enough juice to call for the science ship currently orbiting ZUBBEN.

This was originally created by Ronen Basch (his contact details are in the readme)

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Zubben: MMod Gameplay


However, on April 28 of this year, User _TyLeR_ posted the gameplay mod Zubben: MMod
And it will be unofficial built-in mods

Built-in mods for Half-Life: MMod that are automatically installed are:
- Half-Life: Uplink
- USS Darkstar

You can watch this gameplay video for yourself:

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Zubben: Revision 0.1.0 - EARLY ACCESSS

Zubben: Revision 0.1.0 - EARLY ACCESSS

Full Version 1 comment

And this is first public release of Zubben: Revision.



Full Version 3 comments

After the Arizona lands and all hell breaks loose, try to get to the communication tower which is located outside of the base perimeter. The transmitters...

Shadow_864 - - 469 comments

Zubben: Revision Trailer

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Shadow_864 - - 469 comments

Zubben: MMod Gameplay

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TheUnbeholden Creator
TheUnbeholden - - 3,630 comments

I would say this is one those unique mods that I didn’t get a chance to play back in the day, which is a shame because you can see that its manages to make a convincing outer space base, with obvious inspiration from Starwars for the imperial shuttle and Aliens for the APC, its also got a dark atmosphere.
We get a tough initial encounters but nothing I couldn’t handle.
I’m surprised why some people had a issue with the brightness as you can see a little bit just enough to make out where your going and my flashlight does wonders to reveal enemies (while being a tad bad at revealing environment unless you point right at it as the flashlight has no stream), the dark atmosphere gives a tension I’ve rarely felt in Half-Life.
Just watch for a gun flash and point your flashlight there, its quite easy.
I would say there are only 3 parts of the mod where its to dark, when you first jump down through the medical bay… the moving platforms section… and on the series of catwalks..
The only one that felt badly done architecturally speaking is the catwalks. There is no doors anywhere there, and grunts have no sandbags down or radios and seem to be standing in the dark (which I suppose they have nightvision but it just looks bad).
My only other criticism would be that APC outside that you can go inside but can’t drive :(

I’m surprised to hear its not using any custom textures because it really does look good and different from Black Mesa. Even the outside areas while they where short somehow look different to Half-Life’s canyon levels.
If you can accept a few mishaps than you will love the mod.


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angelo12mx - - 49 comments

I can't play it on steam

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TigerHeart - - 64 comments

It is very hard to complite this mod. But level design is wonderful!
You are the God of level design! I really enjoyed by this mod.
Nice job! Thank you very much!

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