The FBI, in need of an expendable, hires Private Investigator Gorbo Freemonger to enter a mysterious place called the "Fun Box" and meet with an unknown Ambassador. What is this "Fun Box" and what adventures await Gorbo as he enters? Find out in "Wolfcl0ck's Fun Box."

RSS News
It's Time to Rest.

It's Time to Rest.


After many years, it is time to finally give The Fun Box the proper burial it deserves.

Gimme a few frickin minutes I'm still workin on it

Gimme a few frickin minutes I'm still workin on it


Mod's not dead, guys, just takin my sweet time working on it.



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Honk honk honk honk honk, honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk. (In today's update, we will be taking...

Night of the Evil Gas Men

Night of the Evil Gas Men

News 4 comments

Night of the Evil Gas Men, the official spinoff of "Wolfcl0ck's Fun Box," is now up and available for download on Gamejolt.

Wolfcl0ck's Fun Box Demo 1 Released

Wolfcl0ck's Fun Box Demo 1 Released


The first demo release for "Wolfcl0ck's Fun Box." Complete with a trailer to go along with it.

What is a "Fun Box?"

What is a "Fun Box?"

News 2 comments

Hello, I'm Wolfcl0ck. Let's talk business. Actually no, let's talk about me. Me and my Fun Box.