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"Unwanted Mission Pack - Take 2: Fox Strikes Again" is mod for Wolfenstein 3D on the ECWolf/LZWolf source port.

(The mod had an initial release that had only one episode, that's why this is the name of the mod... so basically this is an improved/expanded version.)

The mod has 2 episodes with 10 regular and 2 secret levels each (24 levels in total). This time I tried to keep the vanilla-feel as much as possible, because believe it or not, this one also started out as a simple map pack... and then I started adding things again... The mod features a completely new character (One-eyed Fox) as the main hero, increased ammo limit (300), new soundtracks composed by me (some of them can be heard in "Operation: Nazi Slayer" as well), newer textures so you won't look at the same grey stone wall for 5 levels, new deadly enemies, even newer and tougher bosses, "teleporter elevators" that take you to another part of the level... Some more information can be found in the in-game manual.

What's the story? Well, there is a friend of BJ called, One-eyed Fox. Whenever there is a minor mission that BJ would be assigned to, Fox takes it instead, so BJ could focus on the more important missions. This is just another example... I'm not gonna tell the full story, you can read it in the in-game manual anyway.

To play the mod you will need the full version of Wolfenstein 3D and either ECWolf or LZWolf.

Have fun!

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Unwanted Mission Pack - Take 2: Fox Strikes Again

"Who is this 'Fox'?"

"Why does he strike again?"

"Why is this 'unwanted'?"

One-eyed Fox is a good friend of William BJ Blazkowicz. If there is a minor mission that BJ would be assigned to, Fox would take it instead to help BJ focus on the more important mission. It's a pain in the ass but someone has to deal with these missions. This is just another example. Fox has some unwanted missions to complete.

E1M3 B

Dangerous encounters will be awaiting him.

E1M4 A

Deadly traps will surround him.

Tough enemies will be facing him.

... and a chef? ... what?

Anyway, he will pull through and complete these missions once and for all... But it's not about him anymore... Once you download this mod, you will be the one to face all these challenges! Can YOU complete these missions?

Unwanted Mission Pack - Take 2: Fox Strikes Again

"... But why does he strike again?"

Oh, uhmm... you will see if you read the mod's description. :)

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Unwanted Mission Pack - Take 2: Fox Strikes Again

Unwanted Mission Pack - Take 2: Fox Strikes Again

Full Version

"Unwanted Mission Pack" is mod for Wolfenstein 3D on the ECWolf/LZWolf source port.

Guest - - 706,751 comments

Nice mod! Played through the first episode in 3 hours. Nice mix of vanilla textures and new stuff. Also love the chaingun guys, in some mods they are way overpowered but here it is nicely balanced. Well done!

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Orka6912 Creator
Orka6912 - - 19 comments

Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad you liked it. :)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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