In the original Todesangst we learn about Dr. Jack Newell and his horrifyingly successful endeavors to merge Xen and human life. Freeman and Joe, a courageous member of the Black Mesa security force, hunt down Dr. Newell and eventually succeed in smashing his biological engineering plots. The scheming doctor ironically meets his doom via his own creation, the "molecular transmutator" transforming him into a vicious Xenantromorph. Fade to black - roll the credits - end of story . . .or so we thought! Dr. Newell was the genius mind behind the experimentation and development of the Xenanthromorph program but the true power behind the clandestine research was a multi-national anarchistic group called Schwarzgeist. The Schwarzgeist had managed to put their personnel in key scientific positions within Black Mesa since its contruction. They managed to keep their identity secret until an inadvertent exposure during the resonance cascade disaster and ensuing containment revealed their...

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 52)

"Based on Half-Life by Valve"
*Gordon speaks*

So much unnecessary story and exposition. I wanted to play a game, not listen to an audiobook. The plot is insane, though. Not in a not good way, but not in a not not good way.

So judgmental. "Another quicksave..." Really? Fine, I'll play the game your way.

Excellent pacing. Usually I've written more about a mod by this point, but I think I haven't really had a chance to alt-tab out to comment. I'd rather keep playing. Engaging, but not cinematic to the point of exhaustion. Many mods attempt HL's highlight reel jammed into one overly small package, but Todesangst 2 captures the "downtime" aspect of Half-Life quite well. Brooding and introspective.

Remember that story? Turns out it wasn't in a good way. The plot played out like a bad fan fiction. Ex-en. I enjoyed it, though. "So bad it's good" vibes.

Voice acting was entirely unnecessary, but an appreciated addition. Some stiff dialog, but at least Gordon sounded cool. Never thought I'd say that about a Half-Life mod.

Man, HEV chargers are ugly as sin. Looks like something out of I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream.

Throwable hatchet was rad. Game didn't give you enough opportunities to use it though, so this interesting feature felt wasted.

Quite liked the new enemies, particularly the yellow box-stacking robot from the OG HL tram ride.

Music was pretty rad. Some serious System Shock 2 inspiration with all that drum n' bass.

Helicopter battle was suuuuper janky. Awkward turret that would constantly glitch out and not function if you didn't stand perfectly still. Tedious wait for the copter to circle around so you can try to spend half a second shooting this ridiculous excuse for a turret. All the while missiles are insta-KO. Save scumming almost a requirement.

Introduction of Vortigaunts was a thrilling sequence. Gotta be quick on your feet and pinpoint with the magnum. Frantic combat that requires full use of the available arsenal.

That was a trip. The plot was like a bad action movie with Gordon a bad action star, but I loved every minute. Have not been entertained by a Half-Life mod like this in some time. Lots of fun.


Not authentic half-life experience, but still great modification.
Last time played 20 years ago and recently :)




great mod

What a fun mod. I only got stuck on one puzzle (because I did things backwards and went to the planet before getting my air tank, lol), but the plot, new enemies and combat were all something to enjoy. Most mods I've played have pretty meh endings, but this one did a pretty good job. I just wish it had better voice acting…it was pretty bad.

Absolutely amazing mod. Great level design, new enemies, new models, interesting story, interesting cutscenes, just all round damn great and fun 1 hour+ experience!

My only problem with the mod was the mediocre voice acting, which really shows in some scenes, the voice actors should've been given direction on how to pronounce certain words, because it just comes off as awkward when characters are pronouncing things differently all the time.
Also, the throwing axe ability unfortunately was completely pointless as you are given plentiful guns and ammo, never used it once passed the training.

Other than that though, absolutely amazing and could qualify as an expansion! Laughs to be had, and epic moments, just awesome.

I would describe this as "highly customized Half-Life", though it is nothing like other mods offering classic Half-Life action. Todesangst 2 is unique in every way. The storyline is thought-through, and the author obviously made a lot of effort in creating every aspect of this mod as good as possible. I have to say that the author's approach in the second part of the Todesangst "series" changed a lot and mostly in good ways, but there are many similarities between both parts of the "series". I definitely recommend playing this mod.

Great fun playing this. Some parts are kinda cheesy, but overall it is well done.



Very nice mod, really worthy sequel.