Tiberian War is a mod that brings back and revamps Tiberian Sun with new graphics, mechanics, and systems. Influenced by 80s action-horror flics, this mod aims to bring a sense of action-adventure in a lost RTS format. This is a stand-alone mod.EA has not endorsed and does not support this product.

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This is a Changelog that provides information about all the changes from version 4-version 9 (this list will be updated when more information will be added)

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Update v4-v9


Moved mod to the UMP client.

Bug fixes:

  • Killing cyborgs will no longer crash the game by spawning infinite blood
  • Voxel units hitting the cliff will no longer have a chance of crashing the game
  • Blue Tiberium will no longer spawn plane debris when exploding
  • Ion cannon will not spawn an infinite fire
  • Chem missiles (disable due to a game-breaking bug)
  • Tiberium missile will not cause infinite damage and crash the game


  • Save/Load Bug not fixed but original saves are compatible with the mod.(creating a save in the original UMP Client can be used as checkpoints and will be loaded by the client with the mod)
  • Mod request at least a 2 Gb graphics card and 8 GB of ram (mod will run on lower specs but may crash due to memory limit)

Game tested on Windows 7 4GB ram 512MB GraphicCard - acceptable crash rate (large battles not recommended)

Game tested on Windows 10 16GB ram and 8GB GraphicCard - no crashes (8 player PVP not tested may crash)

General changes,

  • Lower HP for all units for faster TTK (for performance reasons, also no man can take a tank AP shell to the face and walk away)
  • Tiberium price increase for faster gameplay
  • Increase the Tiberium growth rate and spread rate
  • Increase Tiberium exposure damage (not great, not terrible)
  • Added explosive effects to both Tiberium types with custom animations
  • Increase fire damage (X3)
  • Increase unit quing from 5 to 30
  • Increase power from power plants
  • Increase power draw from all defense buildings and superweapons
  • Changed all sand terrain textures (optional - remove ecache04.mix)
  • Added bridge derby caused by bridge explosions
  • Added destructible trees with leaves and branches (arctic and temp) (present on maps marked WarZone)
  • Disable veteran rate of fire increase (bug’s weapons animation)
  • Disable veteran power increase (bug’s weapon effects)
  • Increase veteran armor from 0.5 to 3.0 (to compensate for TTK, veteran units last longer)
  • Increase building speed (to compensate for TTK, don’t waste 43 sec for a unit that last 2)
  • Enabled multi build factor
  • Increased build/train q from 5 to 30
  • Increase Hentai monster damage vs heavy vehicles
  • Increase Hentai monster growth rate
  • Increase ion storm damage and duration
  • Added ion storm effects like spark and fire on impact
  • Added dirt effect to subterranean units
  • Added dynamic piffpiff effects and sound effects (bullet impacts)
  • Added spent shell casing to conventional firearms
  • Added impact debris to most explosions
  • Added new debris and impact effects for drop pods
  • Drop pods spawn faction-specific infantry (replace E1, see light infantry changes)
  • Added new fire effects
  • Added extra corps animations
  • Added spark effects to laser weapons
  • Changed most weapons sound
  • Changed death sounds for male and female infantry
  • Decrease the chances and volume of the cloak effect
  • Decrease the volume of “I’m taking heavy fire and medic” due to increasing infantry usage
  • Prioritize certain sounds over others

Infantry units,

General changes,

  • Infantry comes in 2 sizes, classic and small (60% size) (add/remove - ecache26.mix)
  • Added blood effects with different sizes.
  • Flaming man animation lives fire on the ground when moving
  • Laser death effect has body parts flying and sparks shooting everywhere
  • Normal death has blood leaking out of the body after the body is on the ground
  • Price decrease due to TTK and weapon mechanics

GDI and Nod

  • Light Infantry - separated in 2 units with skins that can represent the faction.


Added dynamic spent shell effects and smoke for the gunfire animation.

  • Engineer - separated in 2 units with skins that can represent the faction.



  • Disc Thrower - Changed color set and added dynamic pin release animation changed disc to small grenade disc


Removed the AOE damage caused by the units death.

  • Jump Jet - Changed color set to match faction set,


Added body fall effect when killed in the air

Faster flight time - (chance to dodge sam missiles)

Higher altitude

Weapon damage increases lightly to make the unit more effective vs AA light scouts.

  • Sergeant - WarZone anti rush infantry unit


Double HP of a normal infantry unit,

High damage primary vs infantry

Low AA secondary damage

  • Light Scout - WarZone scout Unit


Increase movement speed

Larger sight range

Low damage primary and low damage anti-air secondary (good vs AA and androids in large numbers)

  • Zone Trooper - WarZone anti-tank unit


High damage primary vs armor (slow rate of fire)

Custom rifle effects with custom damage animation.

  • Ghost Stalker - New sound effects for rifle
  • Mutant - WarZone Unit - Tiberian proof infantry.


Harvester harasser

Rapidly heal on Tiberium


  • Rocket Trooper - New color change to match the faction


New weapons effect

New long-range AA secondary (due to aircraft attitude change)

  • Cyborg - removed and replaced with android (Still present in the campaign)
  • Cyborg Commando - New Skin to match the faction


New custom weapon effects and animation.

Increase EOE damage.

  • Light Scout - WarZone scout unit with proper faction color.


Low damage AA secondary and low damage primary.

  • Black Hand - WarZone anti-infantry rush unit.


Custom skin-matching faction colors.

High damage vs infantry.

Low AA secondary damage.

  • Loyalist - WarZone anti-armor unit


Fires a single high power laser bold (50% of laser turret)

  • Stalker - WarZone Unit - stealth trooper.


Medium anti-infantry weapon.

Low damage anti-air secondary

  • Kane - WarZone Healing unit (limited to 1)


Long live Kane!


  • Rocket Mutant - WarZone Unit


Heavy anti-tank infantry

  • Grenadier Mutant - WarZone Unit


Mutant healing unit

Bio-Tiberium grenade (generate visceroid when killing infantry -map dependent)

  • Mutant Soldier


Added AA secondary

  • Visceroid


Multiply on killing infantry

Decrease heath

Increase damage to non-bio components

Lethal (one hit) to bio units

Increase speed

  • Tiberian fiend


Increase damage

Increase speed

  • Tiberian scrawler - WarZone Unit


Lethal (one hit) to bio units (generate visceroid when killing infantry -map dependent)

Vehicle Units,

GDI and Nod

  • Harvester

Custom explosion animation

Added vehicle hull (voxel debris)

Added Tiberium shards as debris

Oil animation and fire effects

  • Limped Drone


Custom explosion animation

Added vehicle hull (voxel debris)

Increase speed

Increase line of sight (perfect scout)

Added spotlight tracking as a weapon

  • Sensor array - New visuals


Created separate faction colors

Added vehicle hull (voxel debris)

Added custom blue explosion effect.

  • MCV - New visuals


Changed color for the model to match every faction better.


  • Wolverine


Lowered damage and increase the rate of fire (so it looks like it has 2 miniguns)

Changed so that the wolverine has 2 weapons that he alters when firing.

Added spent shell casing effect.

Added light effect on the ground when firing

Added bright pixel to simulate flashlight effect

Increase anti-infantry effectiveness (same for Buggy)

Added 3x death animation

Update the death animation to match the unit color pattern better

  • Titan - New visuals


Change to a custom version of the Moi Titan

Added a 3x death animations

Changed animation to match new model and color

Added muzzle effect (disable the red targeting laser due to animation positioning)

Added spent tank-shell casing

Added straight projectile (collides with the terrain and the first shot is inaccurate)

Increase range -6.75 to 7.50- due to barrel height (out-ranged the tank but the tank has more armor due to shape [normal mech vs armor mechanics])

  • APC - New visuals


Added light AA guns for defense

Added light anti-infantry weapon

Added vehicle hull (voxel debris)

Added custom tires (voxel debris)

  • Hover Multiple Launch Rocket - Visual tune


Increase burst from 2 to 6 missiles

Increase ROF to compensate damage/min is the same (this makes this unit op at hit and runs, the unit is very vulnerable when reloading)

Added vehicle hull (voxel debris)

Added turret with animation effect (voxel debris)

  • Hammerhead - WarZone Unit


Anti-armor/siege unit

2x mini RPG weapons

Low heath/armor (glass cannon) - (nerf due to hover/hammerhead combo being too much)

Added vehicle hull (voxel debris)

  • Juggernaut


Added death animation

Nerf damage to heavy armor units (Titan/Tick/Mammoth/Disruptor)

Nerf damage vs buildings (you have orca’s bombers are a thing)

Increased AOE range and nerf AOE damage

Damage now reflects the 90mm size HE (not firing 3x 150mm arty shells)

  • Disruptor - New visuals


Increase damage vs Bio

Sonic blast clears Tiberium (as established in Tiberium Wars lore)

Added custom explosion animation and effect

Added vehicle hull (voxel debris)

Added post-death damage (small vehicles and infantry take fire damage when this unit dies)

  • Mammoth Mk. II - New visuals


Increase size, unable to walk under bridges.

Due to the heath being hardcoded this unit has not been affected by health debuff.

Added 5x vehicle hull debris per part (voxel debris)

Added custom explosion effect

Added new sounds

  • Android infantry - WarZone Unit


Fire and small arms fireproof (a better version of the cyborg)

Added unique death animation

Added custom white blood (because if the pulse-rifle is in the game why not the aliens' androids)

  • Android technician - WarZone Unit


Repair vehicles

Added unique death animation

Added custom white blood


  • Attack Buggy - New visuals


Increase ROF

Decrease damage (same as wolverine)

Added vehicle hull (voxel debris)

Added custom tires (voxel debris)

  • Attack Cycle - New visuals


Increase damage and ROF to compensate (better hit and run unit)

Increase AT performance

Added vehicle hull (voxel debris)

Added custom turret (voxel debris)

  • Tick Tank - New visuals


Increase armor rating (extra for deploy)

Added custom fire animation

Added straight projectile (collides with the terrain and first shot is inaccurate, but less than the Titan as the unit is not on legs)

Added vehicle hull (voxel debris) even if deployed

  • Repair vehicle - Visual tune


Added welding effects and extra spark when repairing

Added vehicle hull (voxel debris)

  • Mobile Artillery


Increase AOE damage

Nerf damage to heavy armor units (Titan/Tick/Mammoth/Disruptor, this role is for aircraft)

Nerf damage vs buildings (not as much)

New animation for the 150mm impact

Added vehicle hull (voxel debris)

Added custom turret (voxel debris)

Added dust pickup when firing

  • Devil's Tongue - New visuals


Increase damage due to fire damage increases overall

The unit does more damage the closer it is to a target (enemy and friendly)

Heavy damage to buildings and light vehicles

Medium damage vs armor

Instant kill vs infantry

Does self-damage in groups (the friendly fire machine)

New fire effects

New death explosion effects

Does fire damage when explodes

Has a chance of spawning fuel tanks that travel in the air for a short period of time and explode dealing full weapon damage to infantry.

Added vehicle hull (voxel debris)

  • Stealth Tank - New Visuals


Increase burst fire from 2 to 6 (Hit and run tactics, beast!)

Increase ROF (balance)

Added vehicle hull (voxel debris)

Added custom parts (voxel debris)

  • Beam Tank - WarZone Unit


Long-range siege unit (portable obelisc)

Low heath and armor

Added vehicle hull (voxel debris)

Added custom parts (voxel debris)

  • Cyborg Reaper


New custom death animation

Added new blood effects

Leaves a bleeding corps that explodes

Added custom parts (voxel debris)

  • Android - WarZone Unit


Increase armor (more than the old cyborg)

New custom death animation

Added new blood effects

Leaves a bleeding corps

Added custom parts (voxel debris)

  • Android purifier - WarZone Unit


The unit does more damage the closer it is to a target (enemy and friendly)

Heavy damage to buildings and light vehicles

Small damage vs armor

Instant kill vs infantry

Does self-damage in groups

Has a chance of spawning fuel tank that travels in the air for a short period of time and explodes dealing full weapon damage to infantry.

New custom death animation

Added new blood effects

Leaves a bleeding corps

Added custom parts (voxel debris)


General changes,

  • Increase flight level according to aircraft type
  • Increase speed and dodge chance (Due to TTK balance)
  • On impact added new plane hull debris


  • Orca fighter - New visuals


Increase AP damage vs Heavy armor

Added vehicle hull (voxel debris)

Added custom parts (voxel debris)

  • Orca bomber - New visuals


Increase damage is done to buildings and light armor units

On death has a chance to spawn up to 3 extra bombs that due full weapon damage.

Added vehicle hull (voxel debris)

Added custom parts (voxel debris)

  • Carryall


Increase size for realistic purposes (still looks wanky if transporting a mammoth)

Added vehicle hull (voxel debris)

Added custom parts (voxel debris)

  • Orca transport - WarZone Unit


New parachute animation

Spot-light as primary for para and tracking purposes

Added vehicle hull (voxel debris)

Added custom parts (voxel debris)


  • Harpy - New visuals


Changed from helicopter to hovercraft due to missing blades

Increase primary gun vs infantry and light vehicles

Added vehicle hull (voxel debris)

Added custom parts (voxel debris)

  • Banshee - New visuals


Increase damage to heavy armor (just like the cutscene, it kills Titan/Tick/Mammoth/Disruptor very fast)

Custom explosion (because this aircraft run’s on alien tech)

Added vehicle hull (voxel debris)

Added custom parts (voxel debris)


General changes,

  • Added faction-specific lighting for cosmetic purposes
  • Increase armor for defense buildings
  • All defense buildings use more power and can’t operate on low power
  • Increase the power given by power plants
  • Faster building time
  • Increased Sam range (due to aircraft speed and fly range change)
  • GDI defense towers now build with the upgrades attached

  • Spotlight tower - WarZone Unit


Taunt unit (makes units attack it first and ignore other defenses)

  • Laser turret

Changed to a more anti-tank role

Decrease damage to bio units

Increase damage to armor units

  • Shredder turret - WarZone Unit


Anti infantry defense (like vulcano tower)

High AOE damage


  • Zone Tower - WarZone Unit


High damage + Range

A slow rate of fire

Can one shoot most units

Costume projectiles (will collide with terrain)

Added custom explosion animation and effect

Added post-death damage (small vehicles and infantry take fire damage when this unit dies)


  • Chemical Missile - disable due to a game-breaking bug (working on it)
  • Cluster Missile - replaced
  • Tiberium Missile


Replace the Cluster missile

300 Damage on impact

Heavy damage in impact spot (can kill any building/unit)

Leave’s heavy damage fallout in a small spot for 10 sec (fire damage)

Spawns crystal shards that cause AOE damage Lethal (one hit) to bio units (generate visceroid when killing infantry -map dependent)

  • Ion Cannon


700 Damage on impact

Heavy damage in impact spot (can kill any building/unit)

Leave’s heavy damage fallout in a small spot for 10 sec (fire damage)

Small AOE damage (fire Damage)

  • Drop Pods

Replace light Infantry with faction-specific Infantry

Added new effects for the pod impact.

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bishibosh - - 137 comments

everything here looks great. really glad it's on the TS Client now. cool that the limpet drone might actually be useful now, too.

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