"Situated just north of the Summerset Isles off the coast of Hammerfell lies the mysterious island of Suhriem. Settled by a crashed fleet of Nord, Bretons and wood elves back in the Merethic Era, it remained isolated from the rest of the world for so long that the inhabitants have formed their own cultures, habits and sovereignties." - Markus Antonius, 'On Suhriem'

What is Suhriem?

Suhriem is a DLC sized worldspace mod made for TESV Skyrim. Similarly to Falskarr or Dragonborn it features and large, brand new land for you to explore laden with quests, interesting characters and adventure. It's essentially an island located just south of the Summerset Isles, although it doesn't officially exist anywhere within the TES universe with enough research and story design I was able to implement it into the Elder Scroll universe while still keeping things lore friendly. Suhriem is currently in development at the moment so it is unavailable for download. After a good year or so of working solo I was able to throw together a small team of talented modders, all of which have been working very hard to keep things rolling.

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Update 1:

My very first post, well, I might as well go on and tell you all what has been done so far. In terms of the landscape it has almost been entirely completed to a playable state. Now when I mean playable I mean that it's not exactly finished but it's at the stage where it could be considered acceptable. Currently I am the only person working on the quests and are four (rather long) quests into the main story line. The interior designers have been churning out some great houses so I have also began to populate the cities. We have also got some very nice armors and banners going courtesy of our part-time moddeler Hart. As you can probably tell the mod still has a good way to go, so please, if you have any interest in this mod head on over to the recruitment forum and lend a hand!



ChrisReg006 - - 1 comments

Keep it up buddy, I'll be happy to download this mod

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