This is a basic mod that replaces the United Nations of Earth faction with a playable Cockroach species on post-nuclear winter Earth. Earth is a Tomb World, and the Cockroaches have the Tomb World Preference trait. The empire is called the "Coleopteran Hive" and the planets of our solar system have been renamed in Lovecraftian themes.

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Stellaris: Cockroaches v0.02

Stellaris: Cockroaches v0.02


This is a basic mod that replaces the United Nations of Earth faction with a playable Cockroach species on post-nuclear winter Earth. Earth is a Tomb...

sqweloookle - - 24 comments

BAHAHAHA I love this and agree with Corbul. Have a standalone faction with if you can a shipset to match?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
doddzeh99 - - 98 comments

In a world which was engulfed in the nuclear flame, only Turkey survived.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+10 votes
Guest - - 705,613 comments

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