Bringing soccer to Deus Ex multiplayer! Coded by WCCC. Map and skins by Machina.

UNATCO is the red team, NSF is the blue team. Kick the ball in the goal of the opposing team. A scoreboard keeps the score (admins can set the maximum score up to 99) Every goal scores two points. Kicking the ball out of bounds rewards the opposing team with one point so be careful not to do that! After a goal is made or if the ball is kicked out of bounds it will respawn back on the middle of the field after a few seconds. If you just entered a game you can quickly tell which side of the field you are on by looking at the large red and blue flags on the sidelines.

You can dribble the ball by pushing it forward. You can perform a normal kick by clicking the ball. And you can perform a long distance kick by crouching while clicking the ball. Remember that soccer is a team sport so try to pass the ball to your team mates if you have the chance!

A looped mover protects the goal. It is far better to have a human goalie so maybe you and your team mates can decide on who plays offensive and who plays defensive. But if your team isn't big enough or if nobody wants to play goalie at least the mover will protect the goal a little. (Admins can also choose to remove the goalie movers, however this is only recommended when a server is expected to attract enough experienced players)

If you're fed up with losing you can use foul play by running to one of the two dugouts and picking up a crowbar! Hey, there's no way to tackle anybody so we had to put something in there to compensate! Killing someone won't score any points but at least you can try keeping people away from your goal like that. (Admins may choose to replace the crowbars with different weapons or remove all weapons if they want)


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DX Soccer Mod

DX Soccer Mod

Full Version 2 comments

A team based DXMP mod that loosely simulates a soccer game. An in-game scoreboard keeps track of the score. New skins for blue and red teams. Kicking...

Johnnylew - - 23 comments

Installation Help?

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AlphaCodeOverride - - 13 comments

Suite!! there were 20 servers on my list still operational and running, including a few i played 4 years ago!! including 2 versions of Karky's!!! Good to know it's still alive and well :D Thanks WCCC for the Server Fix!!! Maybe I'll play MP again soon.

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omnitrix152 - - 120 comments

Karky still plays on multiplayer? God its been years since i talked with her, like 2008 last. So people are still playing deus ex online? Please give me an update on whats going on

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AlphaCodeOverride - - 13 comments

WOW! I haven't played MP in about 4 years!! but i just hit Multiplayer like i used to a few years back to see if i could play for old times sake, and NO servers came up on the list not one! I hope it's just my internet connection or the wrong time of day to find servers!! almost midnight here.

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WCCC - - 256 comments

The Gamespy master server has been shut down, but there's a community fix availabe. Fix on this happening here:

I can't vouch how many servers are still running, but that should let you see for real. If you doubt me, just google it for yourself.

EDIT: Also under the impression there may be more than one take on new "master server" to fix things. I realized I had another that was added via an in-server fix some people were cool enough to offer. Not sure if there's any difference between them, really.

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omnitrix152 - - 120 comments

Message for WCCC - Hey man!!! i think you used to play with my brother who went by the name of nikey/nikecvps on multiplayer years back, just wanted to ask do people still play original deus ex online?? And if so id like your email please?

This mods looking beautiful, good work guys on the real.

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WCCC - - 256 comments

Wow, holy sh*t. No kidding. Tell him Hi, and I'm sorry about the early days when I got into the habit of calling him Nicky. Good times though, good times. I'll PM you my email for privacy reasons. Funny coincidence, and good to hear about him again, it's been a while.

For live vanilla MP?

I can't say if people still play, I know I'm always busy so I mod more than play, and my plat time is almost exclusively testing mods.

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Guest - - 705,732 comments

this is stupid like me lol xD

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mikak - - 167 comments

haha, looks like great fun, maybe organise some weekend matches thru fgs?

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