There is actually No story. This is just a Room Showcase. There is a Secret in the Map. So try to Find it! :)

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Room Showcase 2

Room Showcase 2

Full Version

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wizard2020 - - 360 comments

Beats me. No way to tell if youve finished it or not. Or if youve found the "secret" or not. For all I know this mod is 3 hours long. I dunno.
How bout a clue? Like "keep looking" or "the end".
So, I quit playing it. No way to tell if Im done or just wasting my time looking. Im in a room with a guy and 4 hanging pigs. Is that it? Or not? Rate it? For all I know it goes on to be the greatest mod ever made. I can't rate it. I don't know if its finished or not.

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Karel_Kupec_476 Creator
Karel_Kupec_476 - - 46 comments

It is finished.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
wizard2020 - - 360 comments

ok. LOL Thanks.
Appreciate the work. :)

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Karel_Kupec_476 Creator
Karel_Kupec_476 - - 46 comments

Am sorry iff it's Bad.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
wizard2020 - - 360 comments

Every mod you've made is 1000x better than one I know how to make. This one was just a bit confusing. One day I hope you win Mod of the Year. The only bad ones are the ones that discourage people like you.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
ChillTurt - - 7 comments

This is what I like to see on ModDB comments, thank you for not insulting his work like the others and instead encouraging it :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
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