This mod corrects a lot that the Hearts of Iron has wrong about Portugal, I am Portuguese and it has brought everything corrected

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Version 1.4 has been released but this version is exclusive for those who have the mod 
Millenium Dawn: Modern Day that I leave here the link of the Workshop:

Link of Workshop

(Mod has been deleted in Mod DB)

This is a submod as I mentioned is needed the mod Millenium Dawn: Modern Day
Basically I corrected some mistakes regarding the leaders because behemoths of 
Millenium Dawn put the prime minister instead of the president


Jorge Sampaio (not António Guterres)


Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa (Not António Costa)

PS: You can change the version of version 1.4 by right-clicking on the mod 
file and where it says version, change to the version of your game
remembering that Millenium Dawn also has to be with the same version as Patch Real Portugal 1.4



Hello! I am the creator of the mod Roman Empire and this time I did a short mod just correcting some errors of the Hearts of Iron in relation to Portugal

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Portuguese Civil War

Portuguese Civil War

Full Version 1 comment

The Portuguese Civil War happened between 1828 and 1834 and involved the Liberals and the Absolutists. The civil war happened because D. Miguel and his...

Real Portugal 1.2 (MILLENIUM DAWN)

Real Portugal 1.2 (MILLENIUM DAWN)


Version 1.2 has arrived all the details see below!

Real Portugal 1.1

Real Portugal 1.1

Full Version

In this update I shortened the description of portugal in bookmarks

Real Portugal 1.0

Real Portugal 1.0

Full Version

This mod corrects a lot that the Hearts of Iron has wrong about Portugal, I am Portuguese and it has brought everything corrected

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