Adds New Units,Structures,Sciences and many more!
It also adds new faction/s in the game!

New Beginning focuses on making the game itself
a bit realistic with a mix of adding futuristic weapons.

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Back On The Road!




After months of inactivity, it is time I guess to tell you that this mod is alive for once more! I'm now working on a new update for you! But I can't promise if I can release it this year nor next year (January). But before I go, I would tell you what happen in the past few months. On why the mod suddenly become silent.

And the reason is, I lost everything after my computer lock itself up. We had to reset the computer and that means total wipe out, of data that is.

I tried using the file I just released. And somehow, I save myself some time but still lost most of my data. And that means, the progress for China and GLA will be push back.


Even the development of the 2 factions will be held, a new one will be. And that's the United Nation! All content will be from my previous mod, Death Match, but with some adjustment. and without further more, let's begin the showcase!

United Nation's Peace Keepers & Missile Defenders

Screenshot 18

So first off, the backbone of any military agency, their infantry! The UN Soldier or Peace Keeper will be the basic infantry unit of the United Nation! But sadly, US will lost the ability to train them in their barracks.

Then, their AT units, currently they are using the US Missile Defender to make up their anti-armor division that will give the infatry an advantage against any incoming enemy vehicles.

United Nation's Crusader

Screenshot 19

Now, we are moving in to United Nation's Armored Division. The Crusader receive some changes during the war and now, the United Nation are using the latest upgraded version of the Crusader.

The Crusader is a bit more expensive but receive different upgrades in its armor and weaponry.

United Nation's Supply Control & Humvees

Screenshot 22

Next are United Nation's support group. Which composed of the Supply Center and Supply Trucks. They deliver the resources need for the UN forces to keep moving.

The United Nation's light vehicle, the UN Humvee, which is fast and great against infantries. They provide cover for soldiers that inside the vehicle which give them an advantage during crossfire.

United Nation's Armored Truck

Screenshot 23

Last is the United Nation's Armored Truck. Part of the Armored Division on which the Crusader is also a part of. The Armored Truck can carry up to 10 infantry and have fire ports.

They are like moving fortresses, but with speed. Can survive most small armed attacks but when confront by a tank or any AT units, this thing can decide to fight or run.


Well, that's all I can offer for now. The new content might be small but as long as I work on it, more things will be added. Also, I didn't forgot about the bugs. I'll be fixing them and release a new version with the said new content!

That will be all, see you later!

Download New Beginning Beta!

NewBeginning v1

New Beginning v1

New Beginning v1

News 2 comments

New Beginning v1 details and information!



News 3 comments

Its been a long time since I bring some stuff for everyone. So, I bring you some of the new stuff I added in-game.

New Changes!

New Changes!

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Here some more new changes in-game! New models, new units and new concepts!

New Beginning!

New Beginning!

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This the mod I've been working on privately. Now, its time give some information about it.

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NewBeginning v1

NewBeginning v1

Demo 2 comments

Here it is! New Beginning v1 is now playable! It still on beta so expect bugs/glitches.

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Guest - - 705,694 comments

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Guest - - 705,694 comments

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Guest - - 705,694 comments

Sir, any news about this mod.. still alive?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Guest - - 705,694 comments

Hi sir.. This the new beginning mod is still alive or no?

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Guest - - 705,694 comments

Can't wait for more!

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Guest - - 705,694 comments

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Guest - - 705,694 comments

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Vindirect - - 76 comments

Very Nice mod, and just add more stuff to all generals :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Dr.Vector - - 556 comments

is there more updates??

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
liamNL - - 326 comments


You can't just take content from other mods without asking and think it's proper to just Credit them. That's not how it works.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-5 votes
Vindirect - - 76 comments

It's not your business, you just play mod.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Zeke_Dlyoung - - 4,497 comments

He asked permission

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