Mr_Nygren's Marvel VS DC-Universe MUGEN -OBSOLETE!

Mr_Nygren's Marvel VS DC-Universe MUGEN -OBSOLETE!

3.13gb Full Version updated

I have assembled quite a huge roster of DC-universe and Marvel-universe characters, songs and stages. In this version, you will need to win two fights to win a fight. New Characters: Added characters, from the original 252 characters in the game (present in Superheroes 2000 V4.3, the mod of wich i modified before replacing the screenpack with my own- to not irritate that mods creator), to 304 characters in the game, and 413 characters in the char-folder. I have not only added characters, but also replaced some characters with other better versions of these characters- or with completely new ones. The best characters are already in-game, and the lesser characters are not. New Stages: Added stages, from the original 92 stages, to 112 stages in this new version. New music: Added music from the original 92 songs, to like 108 songs or something like that.
