This mini mod adds Galadriel, Rumil and orophin as generals to Lorien in DaC mod v 1.2.

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Lorien MiniMod for DaC 1.2

Lorien MiniMod for DaC 1.2

Full Version 1 comment

This mod adds Galadriel, Rumil and Orophin as generals to Lorien in DaC v1.2.

EthienVS - - 61 comments

Is there a version for later version of DaC?

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Loht - - 368 comments

Hi man. You are invited to my to play Equilibrium II submod for DaC 2.2. (multiplayer campaign, pvp, etc)

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rohur Creator
rohur - - 1 comments

Rumil and Orophin join at turns 25 and 35 via script spawn as long as you own Caras Galadhon. You get an event message when they spawn.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Jersey-Boy - - 31 comments

I only get Galadriel. No Rumil or Orophin

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
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