This mod adds a left arm to a few weapons:

-Tacticool Assault Rifle
-Tacticool Grenade Launcher
-Tacticool Shotgun
-R&R&R EMP Rifle

Load with the Mod Manager as any other SS2 mod, with higher priority than the Tacticool complete mod. SHTUP-ND and SCP are optional, but recommended, especially if you want to have hires muzzle flashes on both the shotgun and the rifle.

Fixed wrong weapons position

Fixed bad vhots position and ejecting brass

Fixed emission lights on the weapons and on the sights

New arm shading


You can find full support for mods installation here:

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JMP Jack's Left Arm Mod 1.0

JMP Jack's Left Arm Mod 1.0

Patch 3 comments

MOD for TACTICOOL WEAPONS and R&R&R EMP RIFLE. read description...

JMP Jack's Left Arm Mod beta (outdated)

JMP Jack's Left Arm Mod beta (outdated)

Full Version

MOD for TACTICOOL WEAPONS and R&R&R EMP RIFLE. read description...

aguythatcan - - 12 comments

is there a way you could implement a Thief "light gem" or visibility meter? SS2 and Thief have the same engine so it's kinda strange it's never been modded in before.

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