you wake up after hearing non-stop in your mind this only one phrase the era hasn't ended yet..

RSS Reviews

SwankestCZ says

Agree (2) Disagree

Very short but pretty good and original mod.


Brakakinas says

Agree (4) Disagree (2)

best house of creep game serie after 7, probably even better than house of creep 5

9/10 really good


RoozerXC says

Agree (2) Disagree (1)

Not bad. But pretty interesting


WrecxXD says

Agree Disagree

One of the best HoC parts, but there are some parts I didn't like.


CheesyDeveloper says

Agree Disagree (4)


- Pretty good tension (until it was ruined)
- Clever use of music


- Using vanilla doorways and custom walls looks really bizare. I understand there are no doorways for that specific custom wall, but you could easily make one yourself without much effort. By mixing things that clearly don't match, it makes your mod lack artistic consistency

- Tension was unfortunately ruined by jumpscares and lame references to youtubers
- Story isn't really noteworthy. It's basic


- It felt like not being able to use the axe at the beginning was a wasted opportunity. It would have been cool if I could break boxes with it to get extra, hidden supplies for example


I have seen some mods lately that tries to be good and silly at the same time, and it just doesn't work.

It started off genuinely good. It was dark, lonely and you used well fitting music. I felt isolated.
Then halfway through, it suddenly turned in to a "joke" mod, with a jumpscare and silly pictures of Bizzeplayn and XiaoXD

You can't be serious and silly at the same time in my opinion. It's one or the other, because the sillyness ruins the tension and atmosphere.

Had this mod been maybe a little longer and you committed to making this in to a good mod, it could have been a great experience. The potential is here.
Or, the other way around. Make it silly from start to finish. Choose a theme a go with it.

As it stands now, it's not silly enough to be funny, and it's not good enough for me to recommend it.

5/10 - Average


zys says


Aleksei-Panov says


Thinbut says