Tactical Maneuvers is based on the Fleet Operations mod, developed 2003 - 2013, with the following additions:

Economy Rebalance
Resource income is faster, resource costs are more balanced between the two resources, and factions have access to unique economic upgrades.

Balance Reworks
Factional tech trees have been reorganized. The Borg and Dominion in particular have been simplified and streamlined to be easier to play while maintaining their unique strengths and weaknesses.

Gameplay Expansion
Command ships provide area buffs to allied craft. Starbases have access to unique economic upgrades. Each faction gains a unique station with powerful support abilities, as well as a number of other powerful new options.

Expanded Mixed-Tech
Once another faction's technology has been obtained, regular ships can be refitted into their Mixed-Tech variants, with unique abilities and modifiers.

AI Upgrades
AI players choose randomly between several different strategies at the start of each game, resulting in far more variety in their behavior.

Quality of Life Improvements
Greatly expanded hotkeys for all ships, stations, and special abilities. Build queues for research stations. More comprehensive tooltips for all ships, weapons, and passive abilities.

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There are many different aspects of making a game mod, and different skill sets needed. One major downside of being a solo developer is that some things just aren't possible because I don't know how to do them.

The original Fleet Operation dev team had a variety of members and skill sets, which they used to great effect creating brand new visual assets, from menus and buttons to ship models, textures, and animations. Tactical Maneuvers, on the other hand, did not have a graphical dev at first, and could only reuse their visual assets with new game mechanics and stats.

This is how I always imagined it though

In the almost 10 years since I started, I've gotten to know a group of excellent modders who've gradually filled those roles. We each enjoy developing our own personal mods without officially teaming up, but the assets and code we've shared with each other over the years has elevated all of our projects to new heights.

Tactical Maneuvers Version 5 is a big step forward in this regard. The engine itself has been modified with a ton of small improvements by the modder Jan_B, who develops Fleet Ops: Roots. Many of the ships and weapons are now using textures created by Drayzon for his Fleet Ops Remastered. And I've added new buttons and icons to the huge list of assets provided by Adm Nat who created a mod called Admiral's Edition. In the future I'm hoping to add a campaign using Megadroid's tools for LUA scripting single player missions.

It took a very long time to incorporate the engine changes, and I had to rewrite large chunks of the mod. But now I'm finally proud to announce the release of Tactical Maneuvers V5.0.0. It was so much work that I sometimes wondered if the benefits were worth it, but now I'm excited to get back to working on the balance of the game again.

It was clearly worth the wait

Moving forward, I should be able to release much faster, smaller updates that add balance and detail to the game's special mechanics: mixed-technology ships that require certain allies (or enemies) and special warp-in reinforcements for the various factions. Eventually the Romulans will get a total overhaul to their spies and saboteurs, creating a system where they can gain intelligence and shift the tide of battle through hidden means.

Starting from Version 5, the mod will use an installer instead of being copy/paste; it now works as a stand-alone game instead of a sub-mod of Fleet Operations. The installer checks for an Armada 2 CD or GOG version, and then put the mod in the folder of your choice, ready to go.

All images are screenshots taken ingame

Re: Your Biological and Technological Distinctiveness

Re: Your Biological and Technological Distinctiveness


The Borg show up in many video games, although not usually under a player's control. Creating a gameplay style for them presents some unique challenges.

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Tactical Maneuvers 5.0.5

Tactical Maneuvers 5.0.5

Full Version

Version 5.0.5 is focused solely on bugfixes, as 5.0.4 had some crashes caused by a bug in the installer.

Tactical Maneuvers 5.0.4

Tactical Maneuvers 5.0.4

Full Version 1 comment

Shipyard repair has been slowed down, making it far less effective to repair ships while under fire. Breen Ships now have their own Command passive and...

Tactical Maneuvers 5.0.3

Tactical Maneuvers 5.0.3

Full Version

Finally, music is added to the game along with many small improvements and bugfixes.

Tactical Maneuvers 5.0.2

Tactical Maneuvers 5.0.2

Full Version

Fixes Federation textures, adds many legacy maps, and adjusts the build costs of early ships.

Tactical Maneuvers 5.0.1

Tactical Maneuvers 5.0.1

Full Version

Some bugfixes and further progress on Dominion and Federation Mixed-tech ships.

Tactical Maneuvers 5.0.0

Tactical Maneuvers 5.0.0

Full Version

Major install changes along with engine updates make Version 5 a big step forward

Comments  (0 - 10 of 15)
Guest - - 705,653 comments

So I gave you benefit of doubt, which in the end you didn't honor. You been on multiple times. You claim you are this person and a simple profile picture change would have been a no brainer for you. So I can conclude you are not who you say you are and in the end I get to say hi James "teranova16". This online persona couldn't even keep the jobs it does in order. First the profile worked at the supreme court then the navy, and sends a no top photo to a person. A simple video call would have even worked. But in the end I will say good luck brother and better luck next time.

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USSJasmine - - 5 comments

I see you’re using the illegally hacked GOG Star Trek Armada II file modded by Jan B. You don’t believe me well GOG already called out Jan B on this months ago when Jan B included the unpacked GOG Star Trek Armada II executable in the Roots Mod and also renamed the hacked version at that time from Armada2.exe to Armada2.ldl to work with FleetOps so that the hacked additional coding added to the executable could be used in the Roots Mod. To get around this after being told by GOG to remove it (for I submitted a report to GOG with in-depth evidence proving the Jan B illegally hacked GOG paid software and re-released it as well as a clean copy via the Roots Mod. I also showed GOG how anyone could re-release the Roots Mod to their friends bypassing the installer and re-release their paid software as well as their “clean” unhacked Star Trek Armada II Executable File. GOG collaborated and confirmed the evidence and ModDB was ordered to take down the Roots Mod and Jan B ordered to remove the GOG executable file. Jan B ignored this and instead got around this. Jan B removed ONLY the Clean unhacked Armada2.exe executable and then proceeded to rename the hacked GOG Armada2.exe to helper.dll.
Don’t believe me? Do the digging and evidence finding yourself!
1. Take helper.dll and copy it and then restore it renaming it: Armada2.exe. It returns to the GOG Star Trek Armada II Executable File
2. Compare the two files. The one from GOG proper is 45MB in size well the Roots one Jan B hacked is 50MB!
3. Take the hacked file you just renamed and rename it back to Armada2.ldl and add it to a FleetOps install that normally requires a disc to play… and be enlightened…. The game runs of the hacked file for its GOG software, on top of that if you have the clean Armada2.exe from the first Roots 4.0 Mod repeat the same procedure with FleetOps and further be enlightened, it’s the GOG Star Trek Armada II Executable File.
Thus using Jan B’s Mod as a base and Jan B’s illegal hacking of a paid software executable file you are in fact condoning the illegal hacking of executable files and re-releasing of paid software owned by GOG.
This isn’t like the FleetOps Developmental Team using Hooks to tap into the executable file, thus is actual executable file hacking done by Jan B. By using it you’re condoning criminal activity.

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Guest - - 705,653 comments

Aahhhh, it's Jetnova. Been a while mate. How your mod going? I can't wait to try it. I shouldn't post it here, you need to create a mod page so we can see your progress, I wouldn't mind seeing it. Cheers till next time.

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USSJasmine - - 5 comments

I’m not jetnova, and I don’t even know a jetnova! Stop accusing people of being people they aren’t! That’s outright rude and disrespectful! My name is Jasmine Rachel Xegers. I’m related to the founder of Young Americans Against Socialism; Morgan Zegers. In fact she can confirm my identity and even my father’s identity that idiots on the FleetOps Forums wanted to make false accusations about!
I stare the pure truth, on my honor as a Naval Officer and a follower of the Sailor’s Code.
Follow my steps as stated and you’ll outright already see that I’m truthful! Plus contact Morgan and my identity will be confirmed!

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Guest - - 705,653 comments

Hi bro, I apologize if I am wrong. If you could change your profile picture I might believe it. Anyway could you make a page of your mod you spoke about, since Jet said the same thing to me years ago. I want to try your mod if you aren't jet, but I can't get your point but jet loved his different profiles due to his personal reasons. So if you are not jet, change your profile picture since your name is public, but I am sure this should be easy. But also make a moddb page for your mod I would love to see the progress of it since I heard alot of people are waiting for it, I would love to wait for it as well. Thanks enjoy your day bro.

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USSJasmine - - 5 comments

This is really me in my profile picture and it’s on my Facebook and Instagram and I don’t have to bow down to your stupidity and rudeness and change my profile picture! Especially when you’re the loser hiding behind a GUEST ACCOUNT and I’m actually proud of my name, my family heritage and proudly display my face with my best picture! Thus you can take your rudeness and get lost!

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Guest - - 705,653 comments

Hi bro, it's no problem. I accept you as you are, Jetnova. You have the same name Jasmine, and his is James. Well anyway since you never changed this picture at all on any sites this means you don't have any other, with no proof. Also you might want to learn how to spell your surname properly as you spelt it "Xegers". But anyway, since you see this as rudeness Jet, it's no problem brother. We all know you very well. Have fun brother.

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USSJasmine - - 5 comments

I dont know a jetnova thus you have the wrong person. My name is Jasmine Rachel Zegers and I can outright prove it! Want my social security number? Want drivers license! What legal identification do you want that will show you that my name is really Jasmine!

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Guest - - 705,653 comments

I got you brother, I got you. I just could never understand why would you send a photo of yourself "supposedly" with no top on and some how it was sanctioned by the US Navy and your father? I am not sure why your father or employer would want to expose you so much, it bogged my mind how even you as the "person" you say you are would allow that. Well anyway I am an done with this, enjoy it brother.

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USSJasmine - - 5 comments

Why? Because you stupid no good friends keep harassing me and not listening to the truth. They even threatened to have law enforcement after me claiming I’m a liar. Law enforcement knows the truth. The Armada Community has liars led by Kmerse claiming I’m not who I say I am and not the woman I am. All Avenues to prove my identity and clear my good name Kmerse and even the FleetOps Development Team outright ignored, even to meet in person at my job outright proving I’m exactly who I say I am.
Ironically until I come here and state the pure truth of the Roots Mod being based on an illegally hacked executable file (which evidence also proves)I haven’t been harassed by anyone in this rude and disrespectful community that can’t even treat a female right without making accusations.

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Guest - - 705,653 comments

The reason this seems fake is quite simple. No person with self respect or common decency would send a picture to some random person on the internet with no top on. With claims that important figures supports it. The reason I was wondering if you could just change your profile picture is simple. If you are real as you say this would be very easy to prove by just changing a photo since you already dropped one as your main one. You publicly stated your name so you dropping a new picture would be easy since your are proud of your name and career. But since your gave so much reasons why you won't it can lead any person to think that's the only photo your have of this online persona. So I am going to ask, knowing you won't do it anyway. Change your profile picture then I will believe you. I will even apologize to you if I am wrong. I want to believe you honestly I do. If you don't it's fine I know the truth and so do you, if you do then I will right a wrong. For now the ball is your court.

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Guest - - 705,653 comments

It's interesting to see how your jobs changed in the last 5 years.
You posted this posted on September 5th, 2019, 4:52 pm on the fleet ops website

"Two I have a degree in Law Enforcement and work in Washington DC at the Supreme Court so I actually know what I'm talking about."

My question is why are you in the navy now when you are working at the Supreme Court? It's quite funny how you went from being a trainee in the navy 5 years ago to working the the Supreme Court that year as well.... this is why it's difficult to believe this online persona...

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