Expert UT is a server-side mutator that attempts to focus the game more on "deep skills", and less on other techniques such as item-grabbing or chance-shooting. Actually the concept has been tested for years with Expert Q2, a cult mod that is still one of the best reasons to play Q2. Basically, it balances the power of different UT weapons, reduces the damage so that no weapon will kill with only one shot, and removes powerups and spam weapons. This means that to frag your enemy you have to engage him on a fast and furious combat, and be better at it than he is. Lame tactics such as camping the powerups, blind spamming or respawn killing won't take you far. And even if you are targeted by a aimbot, at least you can hit back... All you need to do is to add the "Expert UT" mutator, along with any other mut you want. Or just join a server that runs Expert UT, you don't even need to have Expert installed to play it online. To configure the mod, go to the mod menu,...

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Nemesisurvivorleon says


Darkness says