Atmospheric immersion into a "Doom-Real" environment. Actually believe you are in a real base. Actually be there fighting to survive and win the day. These are the goals of Dragon Sector. Hi-res texturing. Immersive ambient sounds. Realistic environments. They're all here. If realistic play is your preferred game, then Dragon Sector just might take you as close as you're ever to get to "really being there" in a retro-Doom game!

Post news RSS Dragon Sector (The Remake) v0.43 Released!

Today we're bringing you a bugfix update for Dragon Sector, as we build toward Map 05.

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Hello, everyone,

Today we're releasing version 0.43 of Dragon Sector (The Remake). While Map 05 is still in the works, we've made some adjustments and fixes to some of the other maps, which we felt warranted an update.


Here's a rundown of the changes in v0.43.

  • Updated Liquid Texture Pack to v6.8.
  • Improved security hardware assets hostility toward the player. Shooting the drone, bot, or turrets now has some wiggle room. A single shotgun blast should not set them off, now.
  • Added an audible alert to indicate how close to turning the security hardware is. There are three tones of increasing intensity.
  • If you don't shoot the assets while they're alert for a period of time, their alertness level will drop.
  • Map03 - fixed a bug that prevented players from achieving 100% secrets
    • made a few cosmetic and gameplay improvements
  • Map04 - fixed a bug that could prevent the player from continuing progression (fixed the cyberdemon trap).
    • made a few cosmetic and gameplay improvements

As for Map 05, it'll be a while longer. Things have been pretty hectic, and the time to sit down and really dig into the last sections of Map 05 just haven't been there. Rest assured, it's still coming, and it's going to be super fun!


We're glad that everyone is enjoying the maps. We for sure put a lot of painstaking work into them, into detail especially, and into gameplay.

We've heard some comments, though, that some of the features in our maps, don't work well with some mods.

We're really sorry to hear that, but...

We are only two developers, and we're doing this in our spare time. I chose Project Brutality for my design philosophy because I really enjoy playing it. It also permits me to pursue only one flow in design, making the project more streamlined, for when we do have time to work on it.

That said, while Dragon Sector may work with some other mods, we are designing it specifically for Project Brutality. Many of its features and gameplay challenges are designed specifically for that platform. We apologize if this makes if difficult to play with other mods, or in some areas, unplayable, but we don't see ourselves changing this design philosophy any time in the near future.


We appreciate everyone's feedback, and we're very glad most seem to be enjoying our efforts, but there's only so much two guys can do.

Enjoy the maps! And all comments and questions are always welcome!

Elum - - 15 comments

doom 2 modding scene is through the roof!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
DarynS Creator
DarynS - - 104 comments

Glad you're enjoying them! We're having fun making them.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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