You're a sole survivor of a rescue crew who was trying to save a cave-in victim. Now another cave-in kills off your crew and you're left alone in the cellar tunnel ways of an old, old mansion cellar, just like the one who you were to rescue.

RSS Reviews

CheesyDeveloper says

May contain spoilers Agree (2) Disagree (1)


- Great scripting (one of the better I've seen for quite some time)
- You worked a lot with the scares
- Creativity


- The "difficult" puzzle is not as difficult as you say it is
- Twelve keys is way too many. You should at least delete them when they are no longer required
- At the "match the room" puzzle, the scares repeats themselfs over and over again
- The music in map 3 was actually extremly annoying and does not fit Amnesia enviroments

- The grunt that spawns behind you when you need to find the right key in order to exit the first level doesn't really do anything, and the puzzle itself is very easy

- Level design is nothing special
- Story is weak
- No intro
- Short


It's a story with very well made scripting and scares but the plot is very weak. To me, it feels like you began to work on a story line but after a while just gave up on it.

You have a big focus on the puzzles, which are very unique but simple (you said the it was going to be difficult. I randomly moved around the crates untill a text confirmed I did it correctly. That in my opinion is not hard) and the scares are pretty well made to. And lucky that, otherwise it wouldn't be twice as entertaining as this story is now.

Working more on the story line and improve the very basic level design must be done in order for me to rate it higher. Still a great start though. Looking forward to the next part.

5/10 - Average


SwankestCZ says

Agree Disagree

Pretty good mod with original puzzles.


ErrorUnknownGT says

Agree Disagree

Well it was going well, until the matching puzzle. i was 90% sure everything was in its proper place, I double checked many times to make sure I wasn't being silly, and I simple couldn't find where the 15th item out of place was, so I believe that puzzle is flawed. I can't really rate this on anything else, it sets itself out to be more ambitious than it actually is, a nice effort, but poor execution.


Boss-DOS says

Agree Disagree

Alright, here we go.

I played through this and I do have to say that it was alright.
The maps were nicely done and the scripting was fantastic. There was only one point where a monster glitched but it wasn't much of a problem to get past.

However, the story was a little bland and it was really short. The scares were cheap and the puzzles weren't very difficult. At one point the scares became very predictable and made it rather boring to play through. The part with the maze really confused me and I didn't quite understand the point of it all. I did like the mirror puzzle though, I'd never done one of those in Amnesia before. It really wasn't scary, though. Cheap scares don't get to me at all.

How smoothly this one ran and the unique aspects made up for the negatives a little bit so I'm giving it a 6.


zys says


Loirinha says


Mixx_89 says