"Gods of Olympus" makes the Hellenic faith actually playable and adds lots of new features and three different subgroups: - Hellenic the official faith which worships gods such as Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Minerva, Mercury, Vestaanyone (except women) can hold both landed titles and temples it has its own head of religion called the Pontifex Maximus, elected by a council of Pontificesthe Pontifex Maximus can grant invasion casus belli to characters with high Pietas - Mysteries the minority branch of the religion which mainly worships Orpheus, Isis, Serapis, Mythras, Cybelis, Bacchus special intrigue events (TBD) temples held by anyone (both men and women) holy sites (WIP: Alexandria, Rome, TBD) - Sol Invictus the "monotheistic" branch of the faith, which worships the sun god Sol Invictus (Undefeated Sun) the head of religion is similar to the caliph and it's inherited from father to son can declare "great holy wars" against other faiths holy sites (TBD) The mod is still in early alpha.

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Comments  (0 - 10 of 14)
OzymandiasXXV - - 1 comments

Thise Mod could be fantastic. Are you still work on it ?

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Guest - - 706,852 comments

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reuvengoldstein1 - - 1 comments

""Gods of Olympus" makes the Hellenic faith actually playable and adds lots of new features and three different subgroups: - Hellenic the official faith which worships gods such as Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Minerva, Mercury, Vestaanyone (except women) can hold both landed titles and temples it has its own head of religion called the Pontifex Maximus, elected by a council of Pontificesthe Pontifex Maximus can grant invasion casus belli to characters with high Pietas - Mysteries the minority branch of the religion which mainly worships Orpheus, Isis, Serapis, Mythras, Cybelis, Bacchus special intrigue events (TBD) temples held by anyone (both men and women) holy sites (WIP: Alexandria, Rome, TBD) - Sol Invictus the "monotheistic" branch of the faith, which worships the sun god Sol Invictus (Undefeated Sun) the head of religion is similar to the caliph and it's inherited from father to son can declare "great holy wars" against other faiths holy sites (TBD) The mod is still in early alpha."


1. Hellenic refers to the pre-Roman period. Based on what else you've written, it should be Hellenistic.
2. The gods you list are all Roman gods, tied to Cultus Deorum. A Greek would not refer to Zeus as Jupiter, even in discussion with a non-Greek Roman.
3. The Pontifex Maximus is, of course, Roman.
4. You have a good idea with the Mystery religions, it's Mithras though.
5. Sol Invictus better means Unconquered Sun.

I suggest you rename the mod to Gods of Rome or Cultus Deorum.

Thanks, blessings.

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disaccountisclosed - - 44 comments

Why not upload to Workshop?

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Dark1Isaac - - 902 comments

because it sucks :)

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disaccountisclosed - - 44 comments

Are you a dev?

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KingNoobIV - - 12 comments

too bad I won't be able to play this mod since my version of the game is the 2.0.4

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Guest - - 706,852 comments

I'm reading "Jupiter, Mars, Venus, ...", but isn't that wrong? The Hellenic Religion was based on the Greek gods, which in return are named Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Ares, ..., you get the idea. The planet-names are actually the roman counterpart to the greek gods. I do agree that they are technically the same gods (Jupiter <-> Zeus, Neptune <-> Poseidon, Pluto <-> Hades and so on), but it still feels wrong to use the roman names for a greek religion.

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Michaeled2 Creator
Michaeled2 - - 3 comments

You sir have just won the medal for dumbassery.
This mod aims to recreate the Hellenic religion based on the one present in-game and the religion present during the Roman Empire.

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Ruawyn - - 1 comments

Aren't you a bit harsh on the guest? He does have a point, as far as I'm concerned. The so called "Hellenistic Religion" we're talking about is, in reality, varius different believe systems in the Hellenic Period and in the time of the Roman Empire.
Interestingly enough, Those believe systems were, as he said, based on the greek gods, it did add several gods from other religions though, for example several egyptian gods and goddesses.
Now, that aside, the Hellenic Religion describes the religious beliefs of the people influenced by the Ancient greek culture. It would only be natural then to use the greek names rather than the roman ones.

By the way, telling someone that they won the medal of dumbassery is pretty...rude. You don't want to be insulted either, right? So don't insult others. Your reaction was a tad bit over the top, he just gave you a suggestion how to (possibly) improve the mod you're making. Now, it's true that you, apparently, more or less just started on it, that's no reason to be mean though.

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Michaeled2 Creator
Michaeled2 - - 3 comments

Sorry for the late reply.
I thought it was implied that the mod aims to recreate the religion in Roman times. The presence of the title of Pontifex Maximus, the cult of Sol Invictus etc. would have been enough to understand that this is focused on Roman times.

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CrusaderMeem - - 2 comments

Hellenic was also ROMAN. as in using HELLENIC. anyways i will contact my friend(Author) About your complaint.

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