What is it? :
Btex (for 'Bottom TEXture') is a very lightweight addon for World Of Warcraft providing Background texture at the bottom of the screen. It contains a package of unique skins, a menu option for settings texture height and choosing skins. All skins are compatible with Xart(Ace) and ElectrofluxTextronator(Ace) i chose to do it like xArt so that any textures made for xArt or ElectrofluxTextronator can be easily used for BTEX2 as well.

What can it do? :
- Put a texture of your choice on the bottom of the screen via menu options (use /bt menu or btex menu),
- Set height of your texture,
- use any other TGA alpha channeled texture from other addon like Xart or ElectrofluxTextronator, or any other "pack" of skin,
- work in any resolution (1920x1200 is max),
- i try to have low memory usage

How do I use it? - First unzip it into your interfaceaddons directory. For more info on installing, please read install.txt.
Now just run WoW and once logged in, type /bt menu to get the options screen and choose a skin.

Support :
Please post all errors and suggestions on Tiggy.wowinterface.com using the provided forms.

* Version History : *

v2.0 - 3 November 2008 :
- reworked all the code
- removed ACE 2.0 support, only WoWAPI hard coded (no libs are needed now)
- added menu option for skin choosing and other settings
- added new skins
- full LUA frame coded

V1.0 - 26 November 2007:
- Initial release.

For full version history, please see here: Wowinterface.com

How do I run menu config ? type "/bt Menu" or "Btex menu" in the chat windows

Why the download is so big ? it's because it contain many images

Do the old XART skins work with BTEX2? yes, just put them in the skins directory

Do the skin support alpha channel ? yes, but you cannot modify the transparency in game. (i'm working on it)

How can i add my own skin ? just put it in the /skins directory and add them to btex.lua dropdown menu like this :
Exemple for Royalbar-1.tga
at line 286 --menu item8 -------------------> set a next number
info.text = "Royalbar"; ---------> Change the name of your skin
info.value = 8 ; --------------->
info.func = function() MyDropDownMenuItem_OnClick() end;
info.owner = MyDropDownMenu;
info.checked = nil;
info.icon = nil;
UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level);
and at line 317 add :
elseif (this.value == 8) then -----------> the number of the menuitem
TEX_CHOICE = "Royalbar";

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Btex 2.0

Btex 2.0


This mod by tiggy is a very lightweight addon for World Of Warcraft providing Background texture at the bottom of the screen.

Btex 1.0

Btex 1.0

Player Skin

An Ace addon that gives you some background skin options.

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