Blood Omnicide is a project to recreate Blood Omen: Legacy Of Kain in 3D. The main goal is to save original game feel and provide nearly same gameplay and balance. There will be some improvements & innovations, just because of nature of porting. The most critical ones will be optional in order to not violate the game experience. The second goal is to provide a game SDK that is open for modifications and additions so Omnicide can be used as a base for expansion packs and mods created in the world of Blood Omen.


Blood Omnicide Demo - second release of project. It consists of two very first chapters of game - Prologue and Arrival to Pillars. Additionally Magic Light crypt included as bonus level.

Blood Omnicide Demo
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dibdob - - 1,359 comments

Is the one here newer?
It's also much bigger too ,nearly 3 times the size.

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