Alchemilla Mod is an attempt to recreate original atmosphere of cult game Silent Hill on the Source Engine. It is not a rebuild of one of the games of series, it is its own history on its own reasons. Above all things is a project developed for fanatics of the original game.

Zlandael says

7/10 - Agree (5) Disagree

It was a pretty ok no-combat Silent Hill inspired mod but that's basically it. Aside from the beautiful level design, the puzzles were pretty tame. I feel like the VA talent was wasted on something that should've been worked more on. The game just...ends.

However, I liked how the levels were all mixed up from each Silent Hill. You have the mall from SH2, the original Silent Hill from the first game, and more. Each room had a similar kind of atmosphere, with models that are essentially inspired from the series. I wished we had an inventory though, since that made some of the objectives more easier to realize.

As a fan game, it kinda does make me want to go back to playing some more Silent Hill.