plays games and crap, mainly Halo, just about 50% of all RTS games on the market Half-life, all of them, and that stargate mod for EaW, and very recently Iron Grip. What's not to love eh?

RSS Reviews

Annex: Conquer The World

Game review

for a maximum of 207 downloads across the board(at the time I wrote this) this is a criminally underviewed mod where it should be a candidate for mod the freaking year! Maybe it's becasue it's for a game I never heard of; seriously I never heard of Glest and it's fork MegaGlest, but come on! Commanding a anime army of unique look and design across a cartoony landscape and have them do battle with each other, plus the fact you have infantry, tanks, air craft, and MECHS! They are even voiced! Sure they sound similar, but the fact they are voiced are more than enough for me for a game where the origional mod was about fantasy combat and not "modern" combat. For a one man band creation here, this is finer than some retail RTS games out there! One faction yes, but there is a second faction not released yet, a third one in the works and a minor sub faction running aound now it seems, and I think a single player campaign is coming somehwere, what's not to love. Once the controls are learned, the classic RTS makeup means one will be fighting like a pro in no time!


MidEast Crisis 2

Mod review


Mod review

Rise of the Mandalorians

Mod review

Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

Early access mod review

Universe at War Expanded Edition

Mod review