Hello visitor(returning or new), Read my latest blog post and disregard most comments made before 2013. On janitor duty, Hopefully I can think of something better to add here soon. Until then, clean, clean, clean.

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Growing up

Lt.SnoWolf Blog

It's been a few years since I actually tried to communicate with people on this account, It hurts to look back and see how retarded I was but thankfully there is a delete button. Hopefully I can stop using this account to avoid redirect downloads and mop up my past immature self so I can actually post comments/reviews/meet people again without making myself cringe.

Though most of the people I've meet on here have forgotten me, disappeared, or just removed me. Someone will probably read this and remember me, Or just remember that they forgot to delete me. I wouldn't blame them, I acted pretty weird a few years ago.

But I just couldn't let this monstrosity of a profile exist anymore as long as it used my alias, I'll still be leaving my old comments for the sake of context and the fact I cant bring myself to remove any of them, despite how cringe worthy some of them are they bring back some memories.