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The Ruiner mod has numerous "statues" of stock Doom 3 monsters that were evidently created using 3D modelling software and they look quite impressive in-game. However, it is also possible to create similarly impressive statues by modifying the stock monsters and making a couple of minor tweaks to their AI. The process is quite involved, however, and I discovered it partly through a process of trial and error.

For example, if you want to make a statue of the Imp:

1. Extract the TGA files for the imp, which are normally located in Doom3/base/pak002.pk4, under the directory /models/monsters/imp.

2. Open the files in your favourite photo editing software (e.g. Gimp, Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro), remove the colour from the images (by turning the Saturation down to zero under Hue/Saturation options) and under the Brightness/Contrast options, turn the contrast down (a contrast offset of between -20 and -25 often works). Do not do this for "imp_local.tga" because this is a bumpmap file which saves the peaks and troughs associated with the imp's texture- this should be left at the default. Save the new files as "imp_statue" rather than as "imp", so as not to overwrite the images for the original Imp. If you accidentally overwrite the original files, it wont be a problem as you can just rename them and Doom 3 will still access the originals inside pak002.pk4.

3. In "base/pak000.pk4/materials", locate the material files for the Imp, under "materials/". The Imp one will refer to a model, "models/monsters/imp/imp". Create a new definition (it may be easiest to create a new materials file inside a mod directory, so if your mod is called "enemy" then your material file would like in enemy/materials/, where X can be any name- the name of the materials file is not important, what's important is what you name the modified Imp definition within the file). The new definition should be based on "models/monsters/imp/imp", but rename it to "models/monsters/imp/imp_statue" and replace the references to default textures with the new imp_statue textures that you created. Make sure that you replace "flesh" with "stone" in the material type definition.
My file looks like this:

	renderbump  -size 512 512 -aa 3 models/monsters/imp/imp_local.tga models/monsters/imp/work/imp_hp.lwo

	{	// burning corpse effect
		if	parm7			// only when dead

		// make a burned away alpha test for the normal skin
		blend	gl_zero, gl_one			// don't draw anything

		map models/monsters/imp/imp_statue_dis.tga	// replace this with a monster-specific texture
		alphaTest 0.05 + 0.3 * (time - parm7)
	{	// burning corpse effect
		if parm7			// only when dead

		// draw the fire burn at a negative polygonOffset, so it is behind the other stages
		privatePolygonOffset	-1		// stage-only polygon offset
        blend add	
        blend gl_one, gl_zero
		map models/monsters/imp/imp_statue_dis.tga	// replace this with a monster-specific texture
		alphaTest 0.3 * (time - parm7)
	bumpmap	addnormals (models/monsters/imp/imp_local, heightmap (models/monsters/imp/imp_statue_bmp.tga, 6) )
	diffusemap models/monsters/imp/imp_statue_d
	specularmap	models/monsters/imp/imp_statue_s

4. The next step is to create a new skin for the Imp so that Doom 3 will "colour" the Imp with the new material. So, create a new .skin file within the "skins" directory (you can do this in the base directory but for various reasons it is better to have a separate mod directory, so in my mod it is enemy/skins). My imp skin file looks like this:

skin skins/enemy/statue
  models/monsters/imp/imp   models/monsters/imp/imp_statue
model monster_demon_imp

5. At this point, if you were to put a standard Imp into your map and, in the editor (typically Doom3edit or DarkRadiant or GTkRadiant) enter the key values "skin", "skin/enemy/statue", you would see an Imp that looks like a statue, but behaves like a regular Imp. Therefore, to make the Imp behave like a statue as well, you need to modify the AI and animations. Fortunately, this is not too "involved" as you only need to create one custom "animation" which consists of a single pose.

Therefore, check out the Imp's animations and meshes which are located in base/pak002.pk4 under models/md5/monsters/imp. Select a .md5anim file that you want to take an individual "pose" from to use as the statue's pose. I chose "sight.md5anim" as typically when monsters see an enemy, they roar and open their mouths wide, which can produce some scary-looking poses. For this tutorial you do not need to edit the default imp.md5mesh as a custom "skin" can be used to over-ride the default texture associated with the mest, as per step 4.

6. Save "sight.md5anim" as a new .md5anim in your mod directory (for me it is enemy\models\md5\monsters\imp). Name it "statue.md5anim". The next bit is quite tricky as you have to have some understanding of what .md5anim files do.

In the file, change "numFrames" to "1". Near the bottom of the file there will be a series of frames (frame 0, frame 1, etc.) Take frame 11 and rename it to frame 0, and delete all of the other frames. Then, under "bounds", delete all lines apart from the 12th line down (this corresponds to the mesh that is used for frame 11). Frame 11 is a pose where the imp begins to open his/her mouth upon seeing an enemy. With a bit of trial and error you may be able to find a better frame to use as a pose.

My file looks like this:

MD5Version 10
commandline "anim models/monsters/imp/animation/cycles/ -dest models/md5/monsters/imp/sight.md5anim -game Doom -prefix IMP1_ -keep Lknee Rknee Lelbow Relbow camera Body -keep Rmissile Lmissile -parent Rmissile Rhand -parent Lmissile Lhand -parent Rwing Chest -parent Lwing Chest -parent Hips Body -parent Waist Body -parent camera Head -prefix IMP2_ -prefix IMP_ -align ALL"

numFrames 1
numJoints 71
frameRate 24
numAnimatedComponents 80

hierarchy {
	"origin"	-1 0 0	//
	"Body"	0 63 0	// origin ( Tx Ty Tz Qx Qy Qz )
	"Hips"	1 9 6	// Body ( Tx Qx )
	"Lupleg"	2 56 8	// Hips ( Qx Qy Qz )
	"Lloleg"	3 56 11	// Lupleg ( Qx Qy Qz )
	"Lankle_r"	4 56 14	// Lloleg ( Qx Qy Qz )
	"Lball_r"	5 0 0	// Lankle_r
	"Ltoe1_r"	6 0 0	// Lball_r
	"Ltip1_r"	7 0 0	// Ltoe1_r
	"Ltoe2_r"	6 0 0	// Lball_r
	"Lknee"	4 0 0	// Lloleg
	"Rupleg"	2 56 17	// Hips ( Qx Qy Qz )
	"Rloleg"	11 56 20	// Rupleg ( Qx Qy Qz )
	"Rankle_r"	12 56 23	// Rloleg ( Qx Qy Qz )
	"Rball_r"	13 0 0	// Rankle_r
	"Rtoe1_r"	14 0 0	// Rball_r
	"Rtip1_r"	15 0 0	// Rtoe1_r
	"Rtoe2_r"	14 0 0	// Rball_r
	"Rtip2_r"	17 0 0	// Rtoe2_r
	"Rknee"	12 0 0	// Rloleg
	"Waist"	1 9 26	// Body ( Tx Qx )
	"Chest"	20 56 28	// Waist ( Qx Qy Qz )
	"Lrib"	21 0 0	// Chest
	"Rrib"	21 0 0	// Chest
	"Shoulders"	21 0 0	// Chest
	"Lshldr"	24 0 0	// Shoulders
	"Luparm"	25 56 31	// Lshldr ( Qx Qy Qz )
	"Lloarm"	26 56 34	// Luparm ( Qx Qy Qz )
	"Lelbow"	27 0 0	// Lloarm
	"Lhand"	27 56 37	// Lloarm ( Qx Qy Qz )
	"Lindex_lo"	29 56 40	// Lhand ( Qx Qy Qz )
	"Lindex_base"	30 0 0	// Lindex_lo
	"Lindex_mid"	31 0 0	// Lindex_base
	"Lindex_tip"	32 0 0	// Lindex_mid
	"Lmissile"	29 0 0	// Lhand
	"Lpinky_base"	29 56 43	// Lhand ( Qx Qy Qz )
	"Lpinky_mid"	35 0 0	// Lpinky_base
	"Lpinky_tip"	36 0 0	// Lpinky_mid
	"Lring_lo"	29 56 46	// Lhand ( Qx Qy Qz )
	"Lring_base"	38 0 0	// Lring_lo
	"Lring_mid"	39 0 0	// Lring_base
	"Lring_tip"	40 0 0	// Lring_mid
	"Lthumb_lo"	29 0 0	// Lhand
	"Lthumb_base"	42 56 49	// Lthumb_lo ( Qx Qy Qz )
	"Lthumb_mid"	43 0 0	// Lthumb_base
	"Lthumb_tip"	44 0 0	// Lthumb_mid
	"Neck"	24 0 0	// Shoulders
	"Head"	46 56 52	// Neck ( Qx Qy Qz )
	"Jaw"	47 8 55	// Head ( Qx )
	"camera"	47 0 0	// Head
	"Rshldr"	24 0 0	// Shoulders
	"Ruparm"	50 56 56	// Rshldr ( Qx Qy Qz )
	"Rloarm"	51 56 59	// Ruparm ( Qx Qy Qz )
	"Relbow"	52 0 0	// Rloarm
	"Rhand"	52 56 62	// Rloarm ( Qx Qy Qz )
	"Rindex_lo"	54 56 65	// Rhand ( Qx Qy Qz )
	"Rindex_base"	55 0 0	// Rindex_lo
	"Rindex_mid"	56 0 0	// Rindex_base
	"Rindex_tip"	57 0 0	// Rindex_mid
	"Rmissile"	54 0 0	// Rhand
	"Rpinky_base"	54 56 68	// Rhand ( Qx Qy Qz )
	"Rpinky_mid"	60 0 0	// Rpinky_base
	"Rpinky_tip"	61 0 0	// Rpinky_mid
	"Rring_lo"	54 56 71	// Rhand ( Qx Qy Qz )
	"Rring_base"	63 0 0	// Rring_lo
	"Rring_mid"	64 56 74	// Rring_base ( Qx Qy Qz )
	"Rring_tip"	65 0 0	// Rring_mid
	"Rthumb_lo"	54 0 0	// Rhand
	"Rthumb_base"	67 56 77	// Rthumb_lo ( Qx Qy Qz )
	"Rthumb_mid"	68 0 0	// Rthumb_base
	"Rthumb_tip"	69 0 0	// Rthumb_mid

bounds {
	( -31.3935508728 -33.2783317566 -0.7134016752 ) ( 18.4649372101 37.2027511597 77.4620437622 )


baseframe {
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	( 4.848110199 -7.4995913506 -3.4994642735 ) ( 0.7533305883 -0.3584097624 0.4982229173 )
	( 23.7252902985 2.0797479153 -0.5190656781 ) ( 0.0169100352 0.0553716682 -0.507117033 )
	( 25.9992160797 0.4113081098 0.2117699981 ) ( -0.8378994465 0.3697840869 -0.000367692 )
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	( -0.5779812932 4.8389954567 -0.1373329312 ) ( -0.8650191426 -0.4959682524 -0.0630925223 )
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	( 5.1609163284 1.0726276636 -0.406784445 ) ( 0.8650191426 0.4959682226 0.0630925521 )
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	( 15.5160989761 -8.4108753204 -4.8359546661 ) ( 0.2470137626 0.5948097706 0.0545518361 )
	( -0.0000004008 -5.1226344109 -10.860042572 ) ( 0 0 0 )
	( 16.1131668091 -0.862603724 5.8071165085 ) ( 0.075790748 -0.0235308465 0.3191515803 )
	( 3.8181121349 -0.2973783016 4.3312106133 ) ( 0 0 0 )
	( 0.9821479321 2.2913444042 2.5638625622 ) ( 0 0 0 )
	( 1.708524704 0.2291327417 1.8135774136 ) ( 0 0 0 )
	( 3.1367900372 -0.0327331014 0.8311431408 ) ( 0 0 0 )
	( 6.8432250023 -2.1682388783 3.2700173855 ) ( -0.138220951 0.2414328605 0.0411296487 )
	( 5.2521152496 0.9975341558 0.5324622989 ) ( 0.0000000068 -0.2179616541 0.0000000041 )
	( 3.3450102806 1.2089673281 2.4598009586 ) ( 0 0 0 )
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	( 1.7058147192 2.0827009678 2.6628034115 ) ( 0 0 0 )
	( 2.0110440254 1.0785975456 2.2803318501 ) ( 0 0 0 )
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	( -0.4182890356 -1.1882292032 1.0407077074 ) ( -0.2898611128 -0.1038644761 0.1486005187 )
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	( 2.3349740505 -0.0248277131 2.2007021904 ) ( 0 0 0 )
	( 2.4510016441 0.2524562478 -0.1834257543 ) ( 0 0 0 )
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	( -0.0000000276 3.3070755005 2.491951704 ) ( -0.0577989146 0.0846273452 0.0329034701 )
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	( -1.3571002483 5.1922497749 5.7731347084 ) ( 0 0 0 )
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	( -16.1131229401 -0.8626292348 5.8071131706 ) ( 0.218038708 0.0240256824 -0.327667594 )
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	( -0.5139840245 1.6197491884 2.403200388 ) ( 0 0 0 )
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	( -4.7624530792 2.5737540722 1.6511298418 ) ( 0.0793462843 -0.3546554148 -0.1802829504 )
	( -1.9488474131 2.2087686062 0.3771297038 ) ( 0 0 0 )
	( -4.0100383759 0.6788948178 0.8763221502 ) ( 0 0 0 )
	( -2.5452070236 3.57975173 3.5105957985 ) ( -0.0257917885 -0.2003844976 -0.1592328548 )
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frame 0 {
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	 -0.0281945076 -0.0433229692 -0.6589797735
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	 -0.0681486875 0.1237936914
	 0.0071677719 -0.1102561727 0.0996083394
	 -0.3379310369 0.0283825267 0.238038227
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	 -0.3580453396 -0.1959558129 -0.3496784568
	 0.0341408998 -0.1498850435 0.063953191
	 0.4111736417 -0.0181319881 -0.332657218
	 -0.1373830438 0.1029238626 -0.1825084984
	 0.0751905441 -0.3131851256 -0.2397393435
	 -0.062719278 -0.1732839942 -0.2472289354
	 -0.0007715528 0.0317876674 -0.0716580674
	 -0.0323306099 -0.1710879207 -0.083092168

7. Your new Imp needs a new scriptobject file to tell it to use the "statue" animation and nothing else. In base/pak000.pk4 there is a directory called "script\", which contains two relevant script files: "monster_demon_imp.script\" and "doom_main.script\". Extract these two into your mod directory (mine is enemy/script) and create a new script file called "monster_demon_imp_statue.script\", which tells the imp to spawn and just perform the "statue" animation. My file looks like this:





object monster_demon_imp_statue : monster_base {

	// States
	void		state_Begin();
	void		state_Idle();
  	void		Torso_Idle();
 	void		Legs_Idle();
	void		init();


void monster_demon_imp_statue::init() {

	idleAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, "statue" );
		idleAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, "statue" );

void monster_demon_imp_statue::Torso_Idle() {



void monster_demon_imp_statue::Legs_Idle() {





void monster_demon_imp_statue::state_Begin() {
	animState( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, "Torso_Idle", 0 );
	animState( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, "Legs_Idle", 0 );
//	monster_begin();
//	setMoveType( MOVETYPE_ANIM );
//	setState( "state_Idle" );

void monster_demon_imp_statue::state_Idle() {

//	nextLeap		= RandomTime( IMP2_LEAP_RATE );
//	nextAttack		= 0;
//	nextDodge		= RandomTime( IMP2_DODGE_RATE );
//	nextNoFOVAttack = 0;

//	setState( "state_Combat" );

This is basically a modification of the default Imp file which tells the imp to just spawn and play the "statue" animation (it is necessary to leave the "torso_idle" in because the torso is used as part of the imp's model). The statue animation is just a single pose.

Then, in doom_main.script, add in a new line that references ai_monster_demon_imp_statue.script- otherwise Doom 3 will throw up an error saying that the script file does not exist.

8. Now you need to create a custom definition for the Imp. The Imp's default definition is located in base/pak000.pk4 under "def/monster_demon_imp.def". Extract this file to your mod directory (e.g. "enemy/def/monster_demon_imp.def".

In this file, in the section of code saying, "model monster_demon_imp", create a new line, "anim statue", "models/md5/monsters/imp/statue.md5anim". My relevant section of code is as follows:

model monster_demon_imp {
	mesh							models/md5/monsters/imp/imp.md5mesh
	channel torso					( *chest )
	channel legs					( waist *Hips Body origin )
	anim af_pose					models/md5/monsters/imp/initial.md5anim
	anim ik_pose					models/md5/monsters/imp/initial.md5anim
	anim teleport					models/md5/monsters/imp/teleportin.md5anim {
		frame 4							sound_body snd_footstep
		frame 21						sound_body snd_sight
	anim initial					models/md5/monsters/imp/initial.md5anim
	anim crawl						models/md5/monsters/imp/scurry2.md5anim {
		frame 6							sound_body snd_footstep
		frame 10						sound_body snd_footstep
		frame 14						sound_body snd_footstep
		frame 18						sound_body snd_footstep
	anim crawl_idle					models/md5/monsters/imp/on4_idle.md5anim {
		frame 57						sound_chatter snd_alert_idle
		frame 140						sound_chatter snd_alert_idle
	anim stand						models/md5/monsters/imp/idle1.md5anim
	anim statue						models/md5/monsters/imp/statue.md5anim
	anim idle						models/md5/monsters/imp/idle1.md5anim {
	anim idle1						models/md5/monsters/imp/idle1.md5anim {
	anim sight1						models/md5/monsters/imp/sight.md5anim {
		frame 15						sound_body snd_sight
	anim sight2						models/md5/monsters/imp/sight2.md5anim {
		frame 13						sound_body snd_sight2
	anim walk						models/md5/monsters/imp/walk1.md5anim {
	 	frame 2							leftfoot
		frame 19						rightfoot
	anim run						models/md5/monsters/imp/faster_walk.md5anim {
		frame 13						leftfoot
		frame 26						rightfoot
	anim crawl_evade_left			models/md5/monsters/imp/evade_left_on4.md5anim {
		frame 1							sound_voice snd_pain
		frame 14						sound_body snd_footstep
		frame 15						sound_body snd_footstep
		frame 16						sound_body snd_footstep
	anim crawl_evade_right			models/md5/monsters/imp/evade_right_on4.md5anim	{
		frame 1							sound_voice snd_pain
		frame 13						sound_body snd_footstep
		frame 14						sound_body snd_footstep
		frame 15						sound_body snd_footstep
		frame 16						sound_body snd_footstep
	anim crawl_evade_left_noturn	models/md5/monsters/imp/evade_left_on4.md5anim {
		frame 1							sound_voice snd_pain
		frame 14						sound_body snd_footstep
		frame 15						sound_body snd_footstep
		frame 16						sound_body snd_footstep
	anim crawl_evade_right_noturn	models/md5/monsters/imp/evade_right_on4.md5anim	{
		frame 1							sound_voice snd_pain
		frame 13						sound_body snd_footstep
		frame 14						sound_body snd_footstep
		frame 15						sound_body snd_footstep
		frame 16						sound_body snd_footstep
	anim evade_left					models/md5/monsters/imp/evade_left.md5anim {
		frame 1							sound_voice snd_pain
		frame 14						sound_body snd_footstep
		frame 15						sound_body snd_footstep
	anim evade_right				models/md5/monsters/imp/evade_right.md5anim {
		frame 1							sound_voice snd_pain
		frame 13						sound_body snd_footstep
		frame 14						sound_body snd_footstep
	anim range_attack1				models/md5/monsters/imp/range1.md5anim {
		frame 2							sound_weapon snd_createmissile
		frame 2							create_missile RMissile
		frame 22						sound_weapon snd_attackmissile
		frame 22						launch_missile RMissile
	anim range_attack2				models/md5/monsters/imp/range3.md5anim {
		frame 11						sound_weapon snd_createmissile
		frame 11						create_missile RMissile
		frame 45						sound_weapon snd_attackmissile
		frame 45						launch_missile RMissile
	anim range_attack3				models/md5/monsters/imp/range4.md5anim {
		frame 1							sound_body snd_sight
		frame 2							sound_weapon snd_createmissile
		frame 2							create_missile RMissile
		frame 37						sound_weapon snd_attackmissile
		frame 37						launch_missile RMissile
	anim turret_attack1				models/md5/monsters/imp/turret_attack1.md5anim {
		frame 1							sound_body snd_sight
		frame 2							sound_weapon snd_createmissile
		frame 2							create_missile RMissile
		frame 22						sound_weapon snd_attackmissile
		frame 22						launch_missile RMissile
	anim turret_idle				models/md5/monsters/imp/turret_idle.md5anim
	anim jump_start					models/md5/monsters/imp/jump_start.md5anim {
		frame 1							sound_voice snd_attackmelee_1
	anim jump_loop1					models/md5/monsters/imp/jump_loop.md5anim
	anim jump_end					models/md5/monsters/imp/jump_end.md5anim {
		frame 1							sound_body snd_footstep
		frame 3							sound_body snd_footstep

	anim melee_attack1				models/md5/monsters/imp/slash1.md5anim {
		frame 1							sound_weapon snd_attackmelee_1
		frame 8							melee melee_impLeftClaw
		frame 10						sound_body snd_footstep	
		frame 17						melee melee_impRightClaw
		frame 19						sound_body snd_footstep
	anim melee_attack2				models/md5/monsters/imp/slash2.md5anim {
		frame 1							sound_weapon snd_attackmelee_2
		frame 4							sound_body snd_footstep
		frame 9							melee melee_impLeftClaw	
		frame 11						sound_body snd_footstep
		frame 21						sound_body snd_footstep
	anim melee_attack3				models/md5/monsters/imp/slash3.md5anim {
		frame 1							sound_weapon snd_attackmelee_2
		frame 6							melee melee_impRightClaw	
		frame 10						sound_body snd_footstep
	anim pain_head					models/md5/monsters/imp/pain_head.md5anim {
		frame 1							sound_voice snd_pain
	anim pain_left_arm				models/md5/monsters/imp/pain_luparm.md5anim {
		frame 1							sound_voice snd_pain
	anim pain_right_arm				models/md5/monsters/imp/pain_ruparm.md5anim {
		frame 1							sound_voice snd_pain	
	anim pain_chest					models/md5/monsters/imp/pain_chest.md5anim {
		frame 1							sound_voice snd_pain
	anim pain						models/md5/monsters/imp/pain3.md5anim {
		frame 1							sound_voice snd_pain
	anim leap_attack				models/md5/monsters/imp/scurry_leap.md5anim {
		frame 1							sound_voice snd_sight8
		frame 4							sound_body snd_footstep
		frame 15						sound_body snd_footstep
		frame 16						attack_begin melee_impLeapAttack
		frame 28						attack_end
		frame 30						sound_body snd_footstep	
		frame 32						sound_body snd_footstep
		frame 38						sound_body snd_footstep

	anim roofcrawlidle				models/md5/monsters/imp/ceilingimpidle.md5anim {
		frame 1							disableGravity
		frame 1							disableWalkIK
	anim roofcrawl					models/md5/monsters/imp/ceilingimp.md5anim {
		frame 1							disableGravity
		frame 1							disableWalkIK
		frame 117						enableGravity
		frame 117						enableWalkIK

	anim ceilinghang				models/md5/monsters/imp/hangonceiling.md5anim {
		frame 1							disableGravity
		frame 1							disableWalkIK

	anim zombie_feast				models/md5/monsters/imp/severedidle.md5anim {
	anim zombie_feast_wake			models/md5/monsters/imp/severedwake.md5anim {
		frame 6						sound_voice snd_chatter

	anim outofholeidle				models/md5/monsters/imp/outofholeidle.md5anim {
		frame 1							disableWalkIK
	anim outofhole					models/md5/monsters/imp/outofhole.md5anim {
		frame 1							disableWalkIK
		frame 12						sound_voice snd_chatter
		frame 65						enableWalkIK

	anim offwallidle				models/md5/monsters/imp/offwallidle.md5anim {
		frame 1							disableWalkIK
		frame 1							disableGravity
	anim offwall					models/md5/monsters/imp/offwall.md5anim {
		frame 1							disableWalkIK
		frame 1							disableGravity
		frame 73						enableGravity
		frame 73						enableWalkIK

9. Finally, insert a new model entity definition as follows:

entityDef monster_demon_imp_statue {
	"inherit"						"monster_demon_imp"
	"scriptobject"					"monster_demon_imp_statue"
	"snd_footstep"					""
	"snd_sight"						""
	"snd_sight2"					""
	"snd_sight8"					""
	"snd_chatter"					""
	"snd_chatter_combat"			""
	"snd_pain"						""
	"skin"                            "skins/enemy/statue"
"finalBoss"						"1"


This monster inherits from the default imp, but uses the imp_statue scriptobject and the imp_statue skin. Hopefully, when you spawn this monster, you should be left with a statue that sits there doing nothing and cannot be killed by conventional means (which is what "FinalBoss 1" does).

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