RSS Reviews

Persistent World Mod

Mod review

Not a fan.


Covenant at War

Mod review

Decent mod, but you need to add ground combat and the ability to play GC. Otherwise this is nothing but a smaller, insignificant version of Sins of the Prophets.


Empire at War Expanded: Thrawn's Revenge

Early access mod review

Gave this a shot and immediately uninstalled upon my first space battle as the Pentastar Alignment in GC. The voice acting... couldn't you have gotten someone to do it that isn't 15 years old trying to sound 30?


Risk of Rain

Game review

Fantastic game. It is crazy how something so simple-looking can keep you occupied for over 100 hours. Easily the best price to replay-ability ratio I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing.

Can't wait for a sequel, and here's hoping for twice the amount of items in RoR2.


Breaking Point

Mod review

I got banned for killing what I assume is an admin. Impudent, immature children are running this mod.



Game review

Third person mode does not belong in a milsim! What the hell were you thinking, BI? Nobody ******* plays Hardcore servers, and I want a proper ARMA experience not some 3rd person wall-sitting Xray ********.

This is a "military simulator" game and yet there are no tactics ever used. Only the 3rd person cheating strategy. Pathetic.


Operation: TREBUCHET

Mod review

Easily my favorite mod of the past few years.


Star Wars - Galaxy At War

Mod review

Great mod for getting your Star Wars fix.


Star Wars The Old Republic

Mod review

Mortal Online

Game review

From what I have seen, it actually looks fantastic. I won't, however, be buying it due to subscription fees. :(