Zoop To The Future! is a new point-n-click adventure game based on the independent, animated web series, The Somewhat Comical Adventures of Prickley Pete! To watch all 14 1/2 Episodes of Season 1 head over to our official website:

www.prickleypete.com Inspired by classic Lucas Art's adventure games such as the Monkey Island series, Sam and Max Hit The Road, Day of the Tentacle, and Grim Fandango, Zoop To The Future! is full of laughs; great, mind-bending puzzles, and a style all its own!

Whether it's on your PC (or Mac) or on the go with your iPad, you can play pretty much anywhere, anytime!We plan to submit Zoop To The Future! to Valve Software in hopes of getting it on Steam, their digital distribution platform. If approved, we hope to take advantage of Steamworks, which allows for Steam Achievements, Stat Tracking, Steam Cloud (allows the game to store save games and/or configuration data online so you can pick up right where you left off no matter which computer or operating system you play on), and many other features!

Using the same animation techniques as the animated web series, you can literally play the show!

Play as Joey, Danny, and Prickley Pete (all at once) as you help Prickley Pete restore his family timeline. Travel to the past, the present, and even the super future in order to rescue his children and prevent him from losing his "Zoop!" forever!

There are over fifteen unique time periods (The Jurassic Period! Colonial Times! The Super Future! Space! Dystopia!) to explore, each with their own puzzles, characters, and ridiculous goings-ons!

Over 200 individual, interactable characters are featured in the game (not to mention the hundreds of background characters and other wacky nonsense), each with their own unique voice and look, as well as having an integral part to the story.

- Even across multiple time periods! What you do in the past may affect the future! Have all three characters in the same time period or multiple periods in order to pull off big expansive puzzles
- use your wacky inventory (over 200 different items, including: high-tech floss, kind of poopy water, orange drink, guns!)
- use dialogue and ask the right questions, sometimes your answers ARE the puzzle
- independently control all three characters for different actions to beat 'em
- and they'll probably be some mini-games...I guess...maybe not....No.

- Easy to use menu and navigation, switch between the characters quickly and easily, navigate your inventory with ease!
- Achievements!
- Behind the Scenes nonsense!
- Unlockables...maybe!
- Even an audio commentary that you can listen to while you play the game!

Zoop to the Future!
is being created by us, Joey and Danny Rodriguez, under our game development studio "The Zero Counts" The Zero Counts is a developer of independent games and stuff. We are a rapidly expanding studio now consisting of a whopping two guys (Dan and Joey Rodriguez). With degrees in video game development and film we hope to make games our way and distribute them through open-ish platforms such XBOX LIVE Indie Games, PC, and the iTunes App Store.

Official Website: www.thezerocounts.com
Official Twitter: www.twitter.com/thezerocounts

Check out some of Dan's past games at: www.dan-rodriguez.com/games/

If you need any more info or would just like to chat, send us an email at joey@thezerocounts.com

Don't forget to follow us on: Twitter! www.twitter.com/sgng
Twitter! www.twitter.com/thezerocounts
Twitter! www.twitter.com/CPTStewart
IndieDB www.indiedb.com/company/the-zero-counts

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Bioknight - - 119 comments

WOHOOO...Ridiculous characters:D

sounds very interesting, tracking+1:D

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Cyahnidde - - 128 comments


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