Tells a story of a young woman, who survives a car accident. Recovering at the hospital, she experiences dreams that shed light on different aspects of her identity - such as the way she deals with the loss of her parents. The game lets you experience those dreams in an interactive way, reminiscent of point-and-click adventure games. It builds upon this established formula by introducing a gesture-based interface, real-time 3D technology for dynamic level layouts, unique photographic visuals and a level design philosophy that focuses on creating a rich experience rather than an elaborate puzzle challenge. Combined with the unconventional story, it is aimed to be a compact and deep game for a literate and mature audience.

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All past and future Humble Frozen Synapse Bundle customers will have a nice, shiny copy of TRAUMA on their Humble Bundle download page. If you redeemed your bundle on Desura, TRAUMA should automatically be added to your library.

TRAUMA tells a story of a young woman who survives a car accident. Recovering at the hospital, she has dreams that shed light on different aspects of her identity, such as the way she deals with the loss of her parents. TRAUMA lets you experience those dreams through an engaging, photo-based point-click-and-gesture adventure. Here's the trailer:

Be sure to watch it in HD!

Krystian Majewski's TRAUMA won several awards at last year's Independent Games Festival, and was a finalist at Indiecade 2010 and European Innovative Games Award 2010. TRAUMA's intricate storytelling makes for a distinct counterpoint to the cerebral, tactical-action flavor of Frozen Synapse. If one were an oenophile, one might say that TRAUMA offers strong notes of Myst, finely made in German oak barrels filled with a young woman's intricate and feverish dreams.

The Humble Frozen Synapse Bundle has raised more than $460,000 within the first 48 hours. We hope you all enjoy TRAUMA in addition to Frozen Synapse and the Frozenbyte games. There are only 12 days left in the promotion so please tell your friends.

Trauma Released on Desura

Trauma Released on Desura

News 2 comments

A story of a young woman, who survives a car accident, experiencing interactive dreams that shed light on different aspects of her identity.

IndieCade Nominees & Official Selections Available on Desura

IndieCade Nominees & Official Selections Available on Desura


This is a list of the 30 games available on Desura that were featured in one of IndieCade's events as a nominee or official selection. Each game has its...

Comments  (0 - 10 of 27)
rainbof - - 2 comments

not work on ubuntu 12.04 / 64bit

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bigdog48541 - - 3 comments

I would not personally buy this game for $6.99. Its not a bad game. just not worth $6.99 for being that short

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peep - - 1 comments

feels like dreaming my own vivid dreams, and partly like shrooms or LSD experince mixed into the dream!

very nice game IMHO :D

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Th3Pr0ph3t - - 6 comments

Will this work on Ubuntu 11.10 64-bit edition?

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Anticontrame - - 1 comments

I'm running11.10 64-bit and it worked for me.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
MaTachi - - 10 comments

Woho! The clock is almost 3 am (at least here in in Sweden) and I just completed everything in the game. =)
It's a really cool game that brings something new to the table which I myself haven't seen in any other games I have played before. I totally recommend you to try this game out, if you already haven't and if you like point and click games. :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Ancurio - - 23 comments

When I first saw the trailer, this weird feeling of familiarity kept creeping up, and I couldn't understand why.

Then I read that it was shot in my hometown, and I lol'd :D

Reply Good karma Bad karma+14 votes
Nathraiben - - 5 comments

Big thanks to Krystian - and of course the rest of the team - for what was a short yet incredibly enjoyable game experience.

("Short" not in a "not worth it" way, but instead meaning I hate that it ended so soon - I could have played on for hours/days/weeks without growing bored of it.)

It will take some time before that melancholic and fuzzy feeling will wear off... ;)

Like many others I got - and first heard about - Trauma through the Humble Bundle. Actually, it was the sole reason I got the current one, and I feel it was worth every single cent I paid for it. It's such a simple and yet engaging game play, and I really love the "less challenge, more immersion" approach. And immersive it definitely was - not the least thanks to the soft, drowsy voice acting and the mesmerising music/ambience sounds.

To me the only slight drawback would be that it's definitely not a game everybody will find enjoyable, but then again, what do I care about everybody! :P
(And I'm always happy to see that there are still developers out there that dare to go the non-mainstream route to get an idea out of their system. )

Btw, at first I thought about replying to the YouTube comments (those really made me wonder what people were expecting after watching the trailer, looking at the screenshots and maybe even playing the preview - another one of those kill-x-to-gain-y clones?), but then decided a plattform with people having an attention span longer than the time between two monster grinding kills might be more appropriate... ;)

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MaTachi - - 10 comments

Agree with you man. But I actually like that the game is pretty short. I personally find it hard nowadays to get time to complete many of the AAA games that I have once started. So I rather prefer a short game which delivers a nice experience, than a long repetitive game.

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gscirea - - 5 comments

totally agree...yes it is very short, but a great gaming experience for sure, so I've rated it 10

I hope to see something similar in the future

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Arcones - - 5,546 comments

You have said everything I was going to say. I couldn't agree more and well spoken!

I'm giving this one an easy 10!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
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