A mysterious story about the consequences of loneliness and unfulfilled dreams. Help artificial intelligence in the form of a little girl and avoid facing a ruthless monster.

Key features:

A tricky mystical story
Multiple/secret endings
Random events

Unusual visual style

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Teaser-demo The Hungry One is now available for download!





The Hungry One is a combination of horror and drama about loneliness and its consequences.

You are a young scientist. Your task is to do experiments to explore a unique virtual environment.

Another ordinary day, yet another experiment that is pretty much the same as all the previous ones. Or is it..? This time, everything goes sideways. Why has the virtual world changed so much? Who is this little girl, and what's dog is she talking about? Now you have to deal with what is happening and answer all these questions.


LoboOutlaw - - 30 comments

Alright so I liked your demo, and you have gotten me intrigued. However, I feel that the story or purpose of the game needs a bit more context you know, because as the player I don't know if this demo is compelling enough to get me hooked for the full version. That being said, how big to you plan the full game to be? And what do you really want to show people to make them want to play the whole game? I suggest expanding the demo to give it more traction. Other than that- good work!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
munchkin_iii Creator
munchkin_iii - - 1 comments

Thanks for the detailed comment!
It would be more correct to say that this is not just a demo, but a teaser-demo. Something that should hook the player rather than letting them enjoy a full, rich, big chunk of the game. It's like Kodima's P.T. :^)
More features are planned for the game, some can be seen from the game trailer. And most importantly - several endings. Glad I was able to intrigue you!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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