Subject 808 is a game about the alien Bob. He got captured together with others of his race by humans. They put all the aliens they captured on a space station and is now performing experiments on them. One day Bob manages to escape and this is where you start playing.

To escape, Bob uses his low profile body to sneak around on the space station and is trying find a space shuttle. Since he isn't that strong, Bob is avoiding all combat but instead of fighting, he uses is cameleon like skills to blend in with the enviroment.

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Hello everyone!

We have worked hard and we finally have a playable protoype. We started this week with a blockout and no animations for anything. As the days continued we started getting more models, we got textures on everything and we started to get the first animations done. During the thursday we sat down and just put out everything. We decorated the walls, put out the tubes, fixed the lightning and updated the HUD. It started looking like a game. On the pictures below you can see the progress we have made. The left picture shows how it looked a week ago and the right picture shows how it looks now.

Main room before Main Room After

If you want to try out our demo for yourself, press here

I'm going to end this small update article with a fun little bug we encountered during our development this week


Thanks you for reading and we will give another update in a month.

BobMan"He is the hero we deserve, but not the one we need"

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Subject 808

Subject 808


You play as Subject 808, an alien that have been captured by scienists and is used for experiments.

Subject 808 Prototype

Subject 808 Prototype


This is the first playable protoype we have and we would love to get some feedback.

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