is a puzzle game in which the player solves puzzles while he gets attacked by sci-fi monster.After a short Tutorial the Player gains access to the online archive and can compete with other players

How do I solve the puzzles?

The arrows show in which direction the stars are located and the numbers around the puzzle show how many stars are in each line and column. But pay attention: Every wrong click will bring up new enemies! Try to complete it as fast as you can!

Who creates the puzzles?

YOU create the puzzles. Every Player can create own puzzles and upload theese to the server. Once uploaded they can be played by every other player from STARRY HEAVENS.

Be prepared!

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Animationsystem updated


In this iteration I rebuilded the animationsystem. For this, I just worked on a little engine which runs on 90 fps . With this Screenshot I also like to introduce the hero of STARRY HEAVENS who will solve a lot of puzzles and will have to fight the attacking enemies.

  • created a simple 2d based Sprite engine. The games runs on 90fps and has also a tickrate of 90 per second.
  • added a Zombiecounter to the game. The enemies are coming in waves and every 12 secons the enemies per waves increase by one.
  • every user creates a propertie file on serverside which is later on used to feature statistic and highscores to the user
  • updated the soundtrack with some spacy songs from Phonotrash and Podington Bear
  • fixed some bugs which made the player sprite disappear
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