ShadowArc is a fast-paced color matching arcade game with a circular twist.

Defend yourself against the endless waves of arcs that threaten to send your universe into the void. You must maneuver your paddles to block the onslaught of approaching arcs. Arcs approach at varying speeds, trajectories, and patterns, so stay alert and be ready for anything!

ShadowArc features hours of gameplay and replayability with numerous levels spread across the different Zones. You’ll learn the basics of the game in the Elemental Zone levels. The Synthetic Zone will challenge your ability to earn 3 stars on each level as the arcs start to learn new tricks. The Vector Zone separates the casual players from the elite players. For infinite replayability, compete with the best in the world in the endless Infinity Zone.

The arcs aren’t the only ones with tricks up their sleeves. Throughout the game, you may acquire power ups like nukes and temporary invincibility. As you earn coins, there are many ways to upgrade your capabilities, such as upgrading to more hearts to withstand more hits or upgrading to more inventory slots to hold more power ups.


  • 75 handcrafted levels
  • 5 endless modes
  • Cloud sync to save your game progress
  • Upgrade and power up system
  • Original soundtrack and sound effects
  • 60 fps gameplay
  • Universal app

We would love to hear your feedback, both positive and negative! Chat with us on Twitter or reach out to us on Facebook to share your thoughts and ideas.

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ShadowArc is now available to download for free onto Android devices on the Google Play store. ShadowArc is a fast-paced color matching arcade game with a circular twist.

Check it out here:

I've been working on the Android version for about 9 months now. The thing I'm most excited about with the Android version is engaging with a whole new set of players, so please check it out and let me know what you think! I'd love to hear any feedback, whether positive or negative.

ShadowArc pits the player against an endless waves of arcs that threaten to send the universe into the void. The player must maneuver their paddles to block the onslaught of approaching arcs. Arcs approach at varying speeds, trajectories, and patterns, so players must be ready for anything.
ShadowArc features hours of gameplay and replayability with numerous levels spread across the different Zones. You’ll learn the basics of the game in the Elemental Zone levels. The Synthetic Zone will challenge your ability to earn 3 stars on each level as the arcs start to learn new tricks. The Vector Zone challenges the elite player with an array of furious and frantic levels. The Infinity Zone adds in linger arcs and lightning arcs, which will keep even the most experienced player on their toes. The Matrix Zone walks the fine line between the possible and the impossible. For infinite replayability, each zone also contains its own endless mode.
The arcs aren't the only ones with tricks. Throughout the game, players can acquire power ups like nukes and temporary invincibility. As players earn coins, more upgrades become available to improve their capabilities, such as upgrading to more hearts to withstand more hits or upgrading to more inventory slots to hold more power ups.
Features:* 75 handcrafted levels * 5 different endless modes - compete for the high score * Cloud sync to save your game progress * 60 fps gameplay * Upgrade and power up system * Original soundtrack and sound effects

2.0.0 available on the App Store. Now free-to-play!

2.0.0 available on the App Store. Now free-to-play!


Now free to play! Also adds 30 new levels, 4 new endless modes, cloud syncing for game progress and new and improved leaderboards.

Major Update Coming Soon (with new video trailer)

Major Update Coming Soon (with new video trailer)


New features in ShadowArc 2.0.0 include 30 new levels with new challenges like lingering arcs and lightning arcs, 4 new endless modes, cloud syncing for...

ShadowArc 1.0.0 for iOS available on the App Store

ShadowArc 1.0.0 for iOS available on the App Store


After almost a year of development, we are finally live on the App Store! Please check it out and let us know what you think!

Approved by Apple!

Approved by Apple!

News 2 comments

ShadowArc was just approved by Apple! Send us a message and we'll hook you up with a prerelease promo code.

haydenlamb71 - - 2 comments

Ever since my iPad, fiances ipad, dads iPad all got the same Apple update the games doesn't work right. It has a a moment like lag that pops up right when I don't need it so the paddles can't get there in time.mhace you seen his before or know what is causing it? Also just wondering when a picture of someone pops up in the top left of the screen what does that mean. But otherwise I love it!

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haydenlamb71 - - 2 comments

Ever since my iPad, fiances ipad, dads iPad all got the same Apple update the games doesn't work right. It has a a moment like lag that pops up right when I don't need it so the paddles can't get there in time. have you seen this before?Also just wondering when a picture of someone pops up in the top left of the screen what does that mean. But otherwise I love it!
I'm pretty sure the iOS 8.1 messed it up

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DrFaceDoctor - - 3 comments

I'd love a promo code, as someone who thoroughly enjoys rhythm games and has just come off of a Super Hexagon bender. I'm totally down with giving feedback where it counts.

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Leaufai - - 30 comments

Is it compatible with 4.2.1 iPod Touch 2nd gen? If it is I'd like a promo code. As to why I have such an old one, it's my dev device. Works great for getting the best bottomline performance, but hell when you want to try out new games.

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RunawayJam - - 26 comments

Wow it looks great! Could I have a prerelease promo code? I'm a bit of a heavy iPhone user I guess and would love to give some feedback. I have no idea how to message you so I'm just saying this on comments section

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
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RT @SuperGameDroid: @Free_the_Robots Circular Color Matching Game ShadowArc Rolls Onto Google Play #Android #Gaming

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ShadowArc for iOS is now free-to-play! Also, 30 new levels, 4 new endless modes, cloud syncing:

Aug 1 2013