-3D Boards & Pawns. -Classic rules + Fun variants. -Worldwide realtime matchmaking. -Difficulty goes up or down automatically and adapts to the player. -Unlock free, paid and bonus game sets to customize your experience. -Record your games to share them with your friends & on social medias. -Free cloudsave to play from anywhere.



Based in France

Release date:
February 7 2017



Available From:
Free - Google Play
$12.49 - Steam


The past is full of fascinating games that has been mostly forgotten. Senet, the first app of the ANCIENT GAMES collection, is one of them. Our version ins a meticulously crafted mix between what a player wants from an historical game and what he/she expects of a modern application : classic rules, variants, 3D environnement, worldwide matchmaking, objectives, unlockable content, sharing capabilities (including replays!), cloudsaving and achievements.


I've been in love with Ancient Egypt since childhood and I always enjoyed creating things. The problem with History is that most people don't understand what it really is. It is not just a collection of facts and dates, it is also the sum of thousands of years of experiences, of millions lives forgotten. The day to day life of the ancients is something that fascinates me and I often asked myself how they spent their time. Nowadays, when you want to kick back and relax, you start your phone/ computer/ console and you play something. The ancients where the same : they would etch a crude board game on the ground and play games that were pretty simple but incredibly entertaining. I found a game of Senet on the Play Store and I tried it. It was fun but it was missing something and that something had nothing to do with Senet itself : as a XXIst century gamer, I'm expecting some kind of things from a game : connectivity, replayability, reward system, progression, et cetera.

That realization gave me the idea for Ancient Games, a collection of ancient board games that would play as they were played in the past with all the added benefits of today's games. That also explains the catchphrase for the collection : Ancient Games for Modern Gamers.


  • 3D Board Game, fully customizable
  • Classic rules + Fun variants.
  • Worldwide realtime matchmaking.
  • Difficulty goes up or down automatically and adapts to the player.
  • Record your games to share them with your friends & on social medias.
  • Free cloudsave to play from anywhere.


There are currently no trailers available for Senet. Check back later for more or contact us for specific requests!


Download all screenshots & photos as .zip

Download logo/icon assets as .zip

Monetization Permission

MenesApps allows for the contents of Senet to be published through video broadcasting services for any commercial or non-commercial purposes. Monetization of videos created containing assets from Senet is legally & explicitly allowed by MenesApps. This permission can be found in writing at https://www.moddb.com/games/senet/presskit.

Google Play Link
Google Play link play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.menesapps.senet2.

About MenesApps

-3D Boards & Pawns. -Classic rules + Fun variants. -Worldwide realtime matchmaking. -Difficulty goes up or down automatically and adapts to the player. -Unlock free, paid and bonus game sets to customize your experience. -Record your games to share them with your friends & on social medias. -Free cloudsave to play from anywhere.

More information
More information on MenesApps, our logo & relevant media are available here.

Senet Credits

Sullivan Bousiniere

presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks