PSI: Syberian Conflict is the first big-budget RTS game developed in Lithuania.

In this game the 1908 Tunguska meteorite was actually a fleeing evolon alien leader's spaceship. The crash site was surrounded with concrete walls and designated as "The Zone", with not a single living being allowed to escape and enter. The USSR starts adapting alien technology for it's own use. However, at the cost of many lives...

Fast-forward nearly 60 years into the future: a rescue party which arrived to retrieve the Leader encounters an unexpected resistance, and elsewhere a breach of "The Zone" is investigated by patrol squad "Beagle-13". This is the start of both campaigns. Both sides have 6 missions.

Maps are up to 1 square kilometer in size.

No base building - only unit production.

Upgradeable Hero units.

Special powers scattered around the levels.

Terrain has plenty of details, affects battles.

Good enough, although slightly dated graphics even for the time.

The game was developed in a 3 year period from 2003-2006 by a team of mostly Lithuanians, some of which are known for their demoscene projects. It is now abandonware. The game had StarForce copy protection as well, but it has been dealt with. All 3 releases happened in 2006, yet no version was released for North America. The developers have shared the unfinished English version after a long time.

Recommended System Requirements:

OS |Windows 2000/XP with DirectX9c
CPU | Pentium IV 2GHz / Athlon XP 2000+ or better
RAM |512 MB
CD-ROM |Required
Disk space |600 MB
Graphics card |Only nVidia and ATI cards with vertex and pixel shader support. ATI Radeon 9600, 128 MB or nVidia GeForce 5800, 128 MB.
Sound card |DirectX 9c compatible sound card
Controls |Mouse and keyboard

Modding prerequisites:

  • Install and patch the game to remove StarForce protection and to add QoL features (i.e. proper widescreen support);
  • Make a backup;
  • Start modding;
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Gameplay guide for PSI: Syberian Conflict

Other Tutorial

Evolon Campaign

Level 1

Not the easiest level yet, but offers a great exploit. Right when you load the level, select Vorr and guide her to a green 'Spear of Destiny' anomaly on a hill near the crashed ship. Be careful when passing the rocks as Vorr can get stuck there if not precisely moved through them. Additionally, activating her adrenaline ability makes her faster, but she stops if you do so while she already moves. While you do do all that, mash the arrow keys and shake the camera to speed up the tutorial. When Chimdall starts talking about the Queen, select her, press F, then spam Q to fill up production with Grunts. Optionally, set a rally point to the crash site. Move Vorr through the ridge and get a Blue Crystal anomaly, then direct her to the empty Bionode and leave her there. Once Chimdall is eventually done talking, there will be a short pause and a cutscene which you must skip to use the exploit. Quickly move your camera to the now enemy-owned Bionode and use the 'Spear of Destiny' anomaly on the Arsenal. Alternatively, you could clear out the units stationed in the crater or really anywhere your previously spawned Grunts had their lines of sight. The Arsenal takes the longest to destroy with units. Just be quick before that area darkens again (The map is cleared and your Hero units respawn). All difficulty levels can follow the same route. After the exploit, connect your Queen to the Bionode again, then start producing hunters and one scout. Guard your position for a bit, then move out your units through the path next to the big forest in the corner. Take Medusa along with them and Vorr. They need to be both present at two locations in this level. Keep Medusa safe and Vorr in front. As long as you don't see actual tanks, use Vorr with her adrenaline ability to take out enemy units. Heroes/Generals and bigger units can also crush infantry. Don't forget to produce some defence for the Queen at times. Next, move trough the ridge to the opponent's Bionode. Another cutscene should start, so skip it and attack the closest enemy units. At this point your units may have been injured. Take your time and let Medusa heal them. Use the Red Crystal anomaly for critical situations only. In the nearby outpost, there's the MAZ TO-2 , the soviet equivalent of Medusa. It is annoying, because it attempts to drain your units' energy when in close proximity. If Vorr's adrenaline has recharged, activate it again before attacking or else that energy might go to waste. Begin moving any forces left to guard the Queen into the crash site while also producing more of them. Set the rally point again for easier management. Make sure to wipe the outpost clean and get Vorr to stand with Medusa close to the outpost wall shown to be at the southern part of the Mini-map. If a cutscene triggers then move on to the crash site. The 'Northern Lights' anomaly should now be ready to use, so use it on the remaining group of tanks at the crash site to stun them. Your hunters should blast them one by one. Once everything has been cleared, move Vorr and Medusa to that area. That's the end of this mission.

Level 2

This level might look challenging, but only protecting your Bionode will be an issue. Start by scouting ahead with Vorr and Skall. Take the 'Rainbow Shield' anomaly and clear a path for the Queen and Medusa. Do not venture into the area with buildings for now, so as not to get the attention of many units. Go for the Bionode with the Red Crystal anomaly and remove all enemy units surrounding the spot (They might be outside the visible area, so go around there a bit). The Queen and Medusa shouldn't stay in one spot this entire time, because new enemies can block the path, so assign them a movement order on Skall or Vorr. It makes them follow the specific unit. Once you've established a base, start by producing a scout, then periodically assign production of hunters and the new artillery unit. Keep Vorr and Skall at the base until your army is big enough to defend itself. You could scout with Vorr and get that orange 'Distractor' anomaly. Instead of having to wait for enemies at your base, move Vorr and Skall out into the swamp to deal with and danger quickly. They can be ordered to retreat if health is low. When you feel ready, send them both over to the column of light between some buildings known as the 'Well of Knowledge' anomaly while keeping away from the road. Periodically order the Queen to produce more units. Rush Vorr into the anomaly to trigger a cutscene, then skip it. A group of selected units move at the speed of the slowest unit, so keep that in mind. Use Skall to deal with the tanks, while Vorr could attack light vehicles and infantry. Don't forget about the Red Crystal in your possession. Go down the asphalt road closer to the middle of the map until you meet Zverev. Stun him with Skall's ability first before doing anything else. After getting rid of him, see if the Red Crystal is available or if you need Medusa's aid. Either way, your next goal should be to clear the Bionode beside a road. The final objective will then commence. An optional, but useful tactic would be to send over all of your units to this new Bionode to prepare the ambush. Once enemy units spawn, make use of the 'Distractor' anomaly and maybe even Skall's stun ability to help you stop the convoy. That should be it for this mission.

Level 3

Another basically easy level. To begin with, Wipe out all forces in the nearby Bionode. Start producing the Juggernauts and one scout. Activate Vorr's adrenaline ability and rush towards Chimdall's rescue point indicated by a 'Well of Knowledge' anomaly. Along the way, obtain the Blue and Green Crystal anomalies. Once you get control of Chimdall, teleport him and Vorr over to your base. The teleport works in one way and even if you don't have sight of an area. Units are teleported by touching the teleporter's cylindrical wall, so get them both to do that. Search for green arrows pointing downwards. There is one near a 'Distractor' anomaly, so send over Vorr and Skall to get it and the first truck. Do NOT Right-click on the truck, or they will destroy it. Make sure to clear the area and then send the truck to a safe spot behind the Queen. Next you should send over Vorr and Skall to deal with enemies at the 'Rainbow Shield' bionode. One useful trick when dealing with tanks would be to constantly move Vorr side-to-side between them and Skall, so as to make the tanks waste their time aiming. Take the closest truck afterwards. The enemy likes to periodically send out enemies to take it back, so check up on it at times if possible. This should also aid in producing your units, so make use of it. There's a truck at the docks and another one in a corner close to Lenin's statue. These are not necessary, as the gathering point for an objective has one extra truck, but clearing out the area in front of the dam removes the risk of losing your trucks at the end of the level. Again, send out both Vorr and Skall. Capture the last Bionode first, then apply the 'Rainbow Shield' on them both and stomp out all the mines on the main road. Additionally, Vorr can clear mines with her own special ability. In the area behind walls, rely mostly on Skall to destroy the enemy units. Then take the third truck to base with protection. Now you can begin finishing the level. If you didn't already replenish Chimdall's energy. Use the Blue Crystal anomaly on him. Make sure to have control over the 'Rainbow Shield' anomaly. Use it on the trucks once you activate a teleport to the final location. Send over your whole army and don't forget to unfortify the Queen before moving. Check the dam before sending over your trucks to its middle. All Generals should stay in the green circle and you should quickly see an explosion cutscene, which you could skip. That's it.

Level 4

This level is slightly harder, but amass an army and it will be useful when things get too difficult. Always have a scout and spam juggernauts, hunters and obliterators. Do not worry about defense as much and be the first to attack. There's a group of enemies near you already, so wipe them out with the two Generals. Next, rush to get a single-use Red Crystal anomaly and find a cage, which, when destroyed, spawns a bunch of units for you. Then get rid of the Arsenal that you will have first seen when passing the concrete walls. Enemies spawn at regular intervals on the topmost area of the enemy base, so watch out. The 'All-seeing Eye' anomaly should prove useful, meaning Chimdall's spy drone can be left unused. Your next priority should be to clear the Green Crystal bionode, because it also spawns enemy units. Grab the Blue Crystal anomaly without attracting too much attention. Then try assaulting the remaining bionode with the aid of all anomalies, abilities and units at your disposal. Be sure to keep as much of your units alive as possible and don't get Vorr into the area until you've established yourself there. Teleporting over the Queen, Medusa and Chimdall could prove very useful soon. Continue producing units at that location, then, finally, send Vorr over to the hyperdrive. An attack force will come after your units, so don't let them get too close to Vorr or the Queen. Once the timer ends, the level is finished.

Level 5

Finally, a challenge. The level layout is probably the main thing that lengthens the game. Skip the cutscenes and get Chimdall to teleport just himself and Tkachenko over to the park where Ra is held. While waiting for the teleport, quickly nab the nearby 'Rainbow Shield' anomaly with Vorr. This anomaly can be used only once, but could help in a variety of situations. If you want, you can apply it on Chimdall and Ra after teleporting. They most likely will not survive long enough to regroup with your squad anyway, but that anomaly could let them better clean out the premises from enemies. Fortify Ra and use his special ability on Zverev. Chimdall has attack drones surrounding him, but he can also stomp or devour the many infantry units. After that, go through the apartment blocks to the nearest bionode. Make sure to enter from behind it to remove possible unwanted guests that are positioned in the area. Now it's all about waiting. Make a scout, have it patrol behind the Queen to lessen unexpected enemy attacks. This time, the enemy can attack from different directions. Rely on artillery and heavy units. Rush Vorr (maybe even Skall) over to a nearby construction site to get the 'Spear of Destiny' anomaly. Use it now if you want, or save it for later. There's a cage that gives you a squad of units upon destruction, so free them and deal with any nearby hidden enemy artillery while they become the new target. Try to be quick and at least rush your Generals back to base. The earlier, the better. Keep producing units. There's a Blue Crystal anomaly on another side of the map, which is not necessary, but you could pick it up with Vorr. It does, however, attract the attention of more enemies. Once you are comfortable to send out the usual duo of Generals, go towards the Red Crystal bionode between the 'Univermag' and that park. Again, repeat the trick of moving Vorr around while Skall blows up all the tanks. If you want, wait for the anomaly to charge up before you go. Don't forget to resurrect your fallen Generals, because Ra is a great addition to your defenses. Send your duo over to the 'Bloodsucker' bionode near the water. Clear it with the usual tactics. Hopefully, your forces are rather large by now. Send them over to the remaining Bionode with the 'attack move', which is done by left-clicking the ground after pressing A or selecting attack. Make the Queen, Medusa, Chimdall and Ra follow them. The level ends by sending all the Generals to a large yellow teleport around Lenin's statue, so keep at least Vorr and Skall away from it. They might need to reclaim some bionodes. After dealing with this situation, you will face the final level of the Evolon campaign.

Level 6

More difficult than the previous one, this level will require patience and vigilance. Start by sending every unit to the neutral bionode one by one, so as not to have everyone marching at the slowest speed possible. But use Vorr to get the two anomalies near your starting point. Ignore any enemies for now. Once everybody is at the bionode, start with the usual, except this time you need at least two scout units to oversee your surroundings. Make one grunt. Use Chimdall's teleport on one of the enemy bionodes. The grunt must be sent to snatch anomalies. It will be killed by mines. When you aim the teleporter, remember that the grunt will appear on the northern side of the teleport. You may need to reload a save until you get the hang of it. This tactic is most effective on Recruit difficulty, because Chimdall's ability recharges the quickest. There seems to be a bit of RNG involved when it comes to defense though. There is very slight chance that enemies won't come from the side-bridges, which is amazing, because you could then speed up the game by sending Chimdall to his doom insted of waiting for his ability to recharge. It's quicker to just resurrect him. Usually though, enemies will be on the offensive for the entire game. Your anomalies are all single-use in this level as well, so do not waste them. Find a good spot for Ra to fortify in. When dealing with the objective the usual way, consider taking Sciva instead of Vorr this time around. Although, the abundance of mines makes this change a problem when having to deal with the pathfinding and the General's urge to attack. Leave the 'Bloodsucker' anomaly for the end, because it is at the spot where all of your Generals will have to travel to in the end. Also, Sciva's abilities are very helpful, especially mind control. They will have to return to base after a while though. So, after some time, you will finally have the chance to finish the level. Start the teleportation. Once you are about to travel over, use the 'Rainbow Shield' anomaly on as many Generals as can fit in the area of effect, especially Vorr and the more defenseless ones. If you can manage, make sure they all travel at the same time. That's it for the Evolon campaign.

Soviet Campaign

Level 1

Quite a challenge for the beginning of a campaign, but also easily manageable. 'Attack move' Storm to the breach before rushing him to the bionode and making sure that he is fully surrounded by enemies. Press Q or click the corresponding icon to initiate his electrical blast ability. At best, no alien should be left alive. To get thing done faster, you should also move the rest of your group closer to the bionode before Storm clears the area. Make some tanks, heal anyone, if need be. Try not to get the attention of the other aliens just yet. When you're ready, move out and collect the Red Crystal anomaly with Storm. Capturing the other bionode is unnecessary, but the secondary objective needs Vorr killed. Instead of wasting time with the other bionode, rush Storm through the bridge to collect a Green Crystal anomaly. Use his electrical shield ability. Before gathering the required amount of anomalies, you may need to retreat once or twice, as Storm can't defend himself from hunters that well. The enemy might also use the 'Polar light' anomaly to stun your units, so be careful and scatter your units when possible. After the main objective is complete, all that's left is to wait until one of the arriving truck reaches your base. You might even succeed with all of your defending units destroyed, but don't count on it. That's all for this level.

Level 2

This is most definitely the easiest level in the game. All you've got to do is take the nearest bionode the same way you had to do previously. Now, make one radar and a mix of grads and t-55 tanks. Go straight with Storm over to the green arrow without even thinking about the aliens. Either skip or don't skip the cutscene and 'attack move' Storm and Zverev over to the safe at the crash site. Deal with Skall. Use your anomaly and Storm's shield if needed. Also, Zverev has some grenades that you could use, but most of the time you'll just calmly wait for the timer to finish. Oh, and tell them to hold the ground or they'll wander of trying shoot something. That's just it. A quick and easy finish.

Level 3

This level starts by trying to give a bit of a challenge, but everything will turn out to be easy. March over to the neutral bionode, deal with the few enemies and collecting the anomaly along the way. A bunch of enemies will try to establish their Queen in the same spot right when you get there, so deal with them. Once you are in control, start making IS-7 tanks and grads. Hopefully, you didn't lose your radar or any other units along the way. Anyway, go and get the 'Distractor' anomaly with Storm. Clearing the nearby Sentinels is unnecessary. Once you are ready, send off Storm and Zverev to empty the nearest bionode. Alternatively, you can send over Storm to the aliens' main area right now after crossing the bridge. There's a path around a forest that is also near the water. Reach the eastern entrance of the enemy base. Activate Storm's shield after the cutscene and maneuver him in between some barracks to find Tkachenko. You can do this after clearing the two other bionodes instead. Anyway, send Zverev and/or Storm on to a hill, where there's a soviet bus blocking the road. You'll gain control of Zeus and then ending the level will become much easier. If you haven't sent Storm over to that area previously, now is the time. Only after Storm activates a script should you send Zverev and Zeus there. Also, Zverev might not survive there for long, so try not to place him right in front of the enemy. Use their special abilities and anomalies, especially the 'Polar Light', so keeping control of your bionodes is necessary. Make sure to clear out as much of the map as you can in order to minimize chances of losing bionodes. When destroying the towers, don't focus on them, but attack everything instead. And there it ends.

Level 4

This level's difficulty comes mostly from the aspect of defense. 'Attack move' your Hero units one-by-one to the bionode on the other side of the bridge. Of course, keep your Arsenal and MAZ TO-2 safe. Try out T-55m's 'Ionised Shot' ability. It is great for damaging units with lots of health, but is often a guaranteed miss. Experiment to find out how to best aim it. Capture that bionode only when it is safe to move the two to the spot. You can skip the cutscene of the Control Center's arrival as the Sentinels have a chance not to fortify and are still a nuisance if they do fortify. Start producing the usual types of units. This time more than one Radar might be necessary. Zeus's mines are also a nice addition to your defenses. While you build them up, use Control Center's satellite on the bionode east of your position and then send a tactical nuke. This ability might not work correctly on rare occasions, so make saves just in case. Also, the aliens have a 'Rainbow Shield' bionode and your targets might be invulnerable, so saving and reloading also helps if you need to wait a bit longer for the effect to wear off. Beside the one Queen that will be killed, there are fourteen more that you need to destroy in order to complete the main objective. How safe it is to venture out and destroy them depends on the difficulty level. Make sure your base has adequate defenses. Replenish energy for everyone, especially the Control Center. Prioritize sending out T-55m, then Zeus and the other two can leave if your area seems calm. The attacks will mostly come from the bridge you cross at the start of the level, but they don't continue forever. Anyway, consider sending out Storm to snatch that 'Spear of Destiny' anomaly from within that monastery. Quickly retreat if possible. Along the way, see if there are any bunched up Queens that you could use that anomaly on. That takes care of a bit of the work. Move the four Heroes into that monastery to deal with the rest. Use any abilities you can. If you feel you can do it, continue the assault by heading over to the northeastern bionode and clearing everything starting from there. Alternatively, head back to base to replenish your units. You will definitely use the Red Crystal anomaly more than once. Crossing the eastern bridge is unnecessary. Hopefully, the 'Rainbow Shield' will remain under your control when you reach the northwestern bionode. Either way, make sure to also have something (the 'Spear of Destiny' or a nuke) to quickly empty it as Ra can do some damage to your squad. The nuke also affects your units, so watch out. You can find the other 'Spear of Destiny' anomaly north of the monastery. The last couple of Queens spawn at the bionode you just cleared. Get rid of them to finish the level.

Level 5

Probably the most difficult level of the entire game. You start with only simple units and the Arsenal. You could carefully guide your group to the center-most bionode, but on Veteran difficulty it's just not enough. The beginning might take some tries. Find the area where the initial cutscene started. Separately order your bmp-1s and radar to move to that spot. Maybe they can even reach the 'Spear of Destiny' anomaly for you, but the enemy tends to just block their path. If you manage to get the marching grunts to follow them as well, move the rest straight towards the previously mentioned bionode (The others are too heavily defended for now). The Arsenal can tank a lot of shots, so just keep it moving. Try ignoring any enemies if you do get some enemy attention. The patrolling Bolters don't seem to be cared about by the rest of the aliens, so feel free to shoot them. Once you are at the bionode, make use of your infantry by tossing some grenades. Be careful not to attract the squad of aliens hidden in a corner in the west side of your new base. You can't deal with them just yet. Once connected to the bionode, accumulate just enough bioessence to rebuild T-55m. Then the rest. And finally, the usual radar with heavy units. An attack force will arrive around the time you will have rebuilt T55m. You can then also explore around your area to clear any hidden enemies. Try getting the 'Spear of Destiny' anomaly with Storm. Once everything calms down again, move to the bionode between the 'Univermag' and the park with your Heroes. Take it and wait for the Red Crystal anomaly to charge up. It is the only way to heal your units until you recover MAZ TO-2. There's also a Blue Crystal anomaly in the park and you definitely will need it. The northern bionode with the 'Bloodsucker' anomaly is optional, but there are more benefits to capturing it. Now head into the construction site to regain Zeus. Activate Storm's shield and move him straight to Zeus, where you should quickly use your 'Polar Light' anomaly to some of the aliens from attacking you. Use any abilities that might help as well. Hopefully, you won't need to rebuild any of your Hero units. So, after getting back Zeus, go and take over the nearest bionode, where MAZ TO-2 is located. A good opportunity to use the 'Bloodsucker' anomaly. If you need to replenish everyone's energy, do so before sending MAZ TO-2 back to base. The level gets easy if you are well over half of the size limit for your army by now. If you really want to, you could send out your full army to deal with remaining aliens. But the Control Center still needs rescuing, so send out your heroes there first. After the Control Center tells you to rescue SAU-180, you actually have to wait more than fight. There is a hidden timer and a ten kill requirement in the script, so do what you want. The shield generator is destroyable with the 'Spear of Destiny' anomaly and nukes while also not really shielding any enemies. Use any anomalies and abilities to your advantage. Skipping the cutscene after the timer might not give you control over SAU-180 and the aliens continue spawning in. This is not a softlock, however, but the spawning aliens are annoying. Once every single Hero unit enters the portal, the level is complete.

Level 6

Oh what an easy level this is. It can be completed in under twenty minutes on the easiest difficulty and doesn't take too long on the hardest one. Simply start by using the satellite ability on the nearest bionode. Then nuke it and march everyone over there. Some light infantry will emerge from behind that area. Establish yourself, make defenses with your Heroes, find a good place for SAU-180 and use mines. Replenish the Control Center's energy. Build up the usual army and send out Storm to the big structure. Skip the cutscene ant take the first right turn through the obliterators. They will barely even hit Storm. On the first exit, travel to the end of a row of some blue structures, where there is a 'Spear of Destiny' anomaly. Only once you see more serious enemy forces should you activate his shield. Keep producing units, but make space for a quick rebuild of Storm just in case. On getting the anomaly, try escaping back to base. Now it's time for a time-saving exploit. Use the anomaly to prematurely kill Sciva and hopefully some other Generals. Storm will now have to pick up the hyperdrive on the other side of the map. The hyperdrive is found at the crystals beside a 'Polar Light' bionode. Try the same approach as with that anomaly. Make sure Storm is healed if he succeeds in retreating. Before exiting the alien world, use the 'All-seeing Eye' anomaly on the exit combined with a nuke. Start moving every single unit to the destination. Use everyone and everything to your advantage, protect the most vulnerable. Grab a nearby 'Distractor' anomaly. Only the Hero units require to enter the teleporter. After doing your best, you should have reached the exit point. That's the end of the soviet campaign.

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