Original game: Steamcommunity.com

Have you ever seen a group of pigeons fighting for bread in SLOW MO?!?

As a player, you become one of them!

You can play in local multiplayer up to 4 (4 cuz DEMO) players (good for parties)!

Our idea is to show people that pigeons can be fun! Not only annoying for car owners :).

You will eat like Pigeon!

You will move like Pigeon!

You will peck like Pigeon!

You will coo like Pigeon!

You will feel like Pigeon!

We also want to make game to be multi-platform! (target: Windows, Linux, Android[?])

We believe that some games should have simple concepts and funny way o presentation!

Bread Hunt

Bread Hunt focuses on natural behavior of Pigeons, eating bread! Your main task is to eat given slice of bread, Pigeon who ate the moss bread wins!


Mode mad for people that likes to chase each other. One of Pigeons is infected, your job is to give this infection another Pigeon, you lose it by pecking somebody. But look! Your points are decreasing! When your points counter hits 0, you are being caged to the end of match. Pigeon with highest score wins!

Pigaon Kingess


Have you seen ever a Pigeon with bread on it's neck? This mode is exactly about it! Your target at beginning is to wear crown by pecking, then when you have crown you MUST RUN because other Pigeon can take it off you and wear it. You gain points by staying longer with crown than others.

Pigeon Dance


At this point it is mode for only one player (very very alpha version of it) where you can dance using more than one Pigeon! Mode is created from bug​. In one day of development we connected a pad to game and every Pigeon moved when we were trying to move. This mode will be bit changed in future to something like "Choreography Editor". ​

Many locations to fight!


You can defecate and slip on pigeons poop.

Smart AI that behaves like stupid pigeons (very Smart).

You can control your pigeon by keyboard, pad (recommended Xbox) and dedicated application for Android (not in demo) which controls your pigeon over Wi-Fi!

- Custom outfits for pigeons (cool hats and boots!, not in demo)

- More crazy locations

- More game modes (for example: Mah Bread! => CTF)

- Smarter AI to behave like dumber pigeons

- Multiplayer over network (not local)

- Better music (yup in trailer, McLeod now)

- Story mode

- Achievements system, connected to your Pigeon profile on your android device, that you can take to your friends or just to party!


Classic demo available here: Onionmilk.org

We hope that you will like our cute Pigeons!

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Game Naming

Design/Concepts Tutorial

Be recognizable

First of all make a list of words, that are highly connected to your game. They have to be accurate as much as possible. Try to connect them with the game story, gameplay, artstyle and whatever you like and seems to be important for you. Along with the word, mark it’s connections. If a lot of game elements are connected to one of the words, the more these words will be useful in your future name.

Be searchable

Until you get started with setting a final name, you have to test a lot of things.

First of all - naming is different for online/mobile games and for single player PC/console games.
Because especially in mobile gaming names have the biggest role in advertising your game. Google Play Store for example have a function, that allows to search games by their descriptions, but Apple Store search looks only at name and small subtitle about it’s genre. So for this kind of games name can’t be to much complicated, because words used in it will be as well your keywords for searching it. From the other hand, you can’t used overused words. There is a lot of “heroes”, “craft”, “magic” games. It could be hard to be on the top with them. Of course you can help yourself by adding your name a subtitle. For example just Magic is too weak, but “Magic: The Gathering” makes a great searchable name.

No matter what kind of game you’re making, first of all you must to check out what hides behind the name you want to give to your game. Search it in Google and on other search engines. If there is other game, company or brand with the same or similar name - you don’t want to use it! It will be a competition for you, that you don’t want to have.

The last and quite important thing - translation.
Try to translate your name from as many languages as possible to avoid problematic meanings. You can never be sure, that your “new word” that you made for game name purposes doesn’t have a meaning somewhere, that can hurt your company reputation.
Second very important thing about translations are different spellings for the same words in different countries. You can say it the same, it means the same, but spelling is different, what can cause problems for players to search it easily. Probably it even can be impossible for them, to find a correct combination.

Be unique

It could be hard to find something one of the kind, but if you do that, you’ll probably feel the difference.

To do that, you can use various tools allowing you to connect words in various ways. For example - business name generators could be usefull:
Or words combiners:
Or even fake words generators:
Wordgenerator.netOf course, if you make a single player or PC/console game, you can make up some completely new words connected to your game, but if you’re making a mobile/multiplayer game - keep it simple and to avoid using words like “and”, “of” etc. try to use adjectives and as I said before - subtitles can be a good choice as well.

You're not alone

Remember, you can always ask someone to give you a feedback about your game name. Just show him your game a little and give him a couple of examples for name. If they feel connected for him, it’s perfectly good. If they feels odd - keep trying.

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Pigeon Fight - Superhot Edition


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