PuzzleThis game revolves around Glace and the robot Mate, both of whom are employees at a cake shop named Teauteau. A food ingredient heist occurs at the shop...
Ninjas! is a puzzle web game with a rock-paper-scissor mechanic, where the goal is to find the efficient elemental form as you eliminate enemies and try to reach for the exit.
Your ninja can switch between 5 elemental forms, each with strengths and weaknesses: fire destroys metal, metal destroys wood, wood destroys earth, earth destroy water, water destroys fire. After the first 20 levels, you acquire "Elemental Mastery" and you can switch forms during combat!
For detailed info on the mechanics, check the "strategy guide"!
This is my first web game, originally developed and released in 2008, for Flash. In 2018, it was ported to HTML5 using OpenFL.
Thanks for playing!
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This game revolves around Glace and the robot Mate, both of whom are employees at a cake shop named Teauteau. A food ingredient heist occurs at the shop...
Matching - Time Attack is a matching card game with 12 to 30 cards on screen depending on the level. It also has 3 sets of card graphics to choose from...
Gallery Hero takes place within an art gallery, where all the paintings have mysteriously vanished from their frames. The object of the game is to solve...
Steal is a simple puzzle game where you must steal all the money in each level. You have more than 80 levels!
Chains is a puzzle game with a unique feel and distinctive vector graphics style. The object of the game is simple - to link adjacent bubbles of the same...
Braid is a puzzle-platformer, drawn in a painterly style, where you can manipulate the flow of time in strange and unusual ways. From a house in the city...