Adopt My Talking Lady Dog, an adorable VIRTUAL PET for girls and boys, and have fun playing with Daisy, your new favorite PUPPY GIRL! Your children love dog games for kids? You should get a talking puppy virtual pet and check if they are ready for a real one. Virtual pet games like My Talking Lady Dog will test your kids’ patience and caring skills and show whether a cute baby dog should join your family. Get this puppy game and have fun! ADOPT DAISY, YOUR NEW FAVE VIRTUAL PET! ▾ ▾ ▾ After My Talking Dog - Virtual Pet and nearly 10,000,000 satisfied users, we decided that Charlie should have a lady friend, as well. My Talking Lady Dog Daisy will soon become your favorite virtual pet and you will love looking after her as she grows from a baby dog to a lovely adult talking lady dog. ▴ ▴ ▴ With a talking dog virtual pet, you can forget about all the mess and howling nights. By downloading My Talking Lady Dog, you will get an adorable talking puppy girl named Daisy.

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