Cyborgs brought the Golden Age for humanity by being a reliable, mass produced working force. By using cyborgs to mine at the asteroid region of the Solar system, humanity got continuous access to a nearly infinite amount of resources.

Humanity has truly entered the Golden Age and it seemed it will last forever… no one could imagine how wrong they were. The hostile Cyborgs came from the asteroid region to destroy mankind. The majority of humanity has already been eliminated, Earth’s surface is devastated. The survivors are fighting a hopeless war against the Cyborgs.

By using the technologies of a mysterious organization, humanity has driven the Cyborgs out of Earth but the victory came at great price and the next step of the Cyborgs is not known and the asteroid region is filled with them, their numbers are ultimately superior.

Who will prevail is uncertain and unpredictable. Only time will tell who is worthy of survival… the Humans or the Cyborgs.

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- Deathmatch and Teamdeathmatch
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