Do you like flying? You would if you where a Dragon! little Dragon is a 3D Game for Android, iOS and PC about flying and gliding as a little dragon in an attempt to fly further than ever before.

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It's been a long time since our last news update, and since then Kingdoms Rise has progressed in leaps and bounds.

Kingdoms Rise is greatly inspired by the Jedi Knight series and well as Mount&Blade. So recently we reached our to the hardcore members of the respective communities behind these games and asked for their feedback on KR. Their feedback was invaluable and since hearing it we have made big changes to the games pace and direction.

Melee combat has become much faster now and movement too is a lot more free and high speed. Jumping will get you further and soon we will add in platforming abilities such as ledge climbing and wall scraping (think Megaman X)

As well as these changes to pace we are also looking to add in more base player abilities and skills to master. One of our ideas so far is to have a once per life disposable ability (like the grande in most shooter games).
So our first one of these disposable weapons will be this bomb-ahawk!


One of the other things we started seeing as important after some closed player testing is rewarding players for kills, players should grow stronger and look more bad-ass than the other players in the server as they score kills and so we started work on player effects to add to players on killing sprees.
You can see the beginnings of those in this video,

Ok, so that's a quick update on how things have been going, now, where are we heading?

We are almost at the point where we can distribute a build of the game for online alpha testing. I've been inviting people who have expressed an interest into a private steam group called 'Kingdoms Rise' and now I want to ask any of the moddb'ers to join in too!
Simply message me, comment bellow or otherwise tell me you want an invite over Steam and I'll get you one!

Thanks for reading and please don't hesitate to tell us what you think of the game bellow!

Kingdoms Rise - Full-time Development Begins

Kingdoms Rise - Full-time Development Begins

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Stampede 3D - Released Today on App Store!

Stampede 3D - Released Today on App Store!


After almost a year of full time development we are proud to announce the release of our second iOS title, Stampede 3D, the game available on the App...

Stampede 3D Approved by Apple!

Stampede 3D Approved by Apple!

News 1 comment

After a short wait in the review queue Apple have approved Stampede 3D for sale on the iOS App Store, meaning that we can now lock in our release date...

little Dragon 3D - Released! for iOS and Android

little Dragon 3D - Released! for iOS and Android

News 2 comments

indie mobile game Little Dragon 3D has been launched today for both iOS and Android

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Scripty - - 362 comments

happy dragon is happy and watching

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Seraph-Fawkes - - 6 comments

Looks interesting, but I've tried to run it on my phone, and it hadn't enough juice to play smoothly. Maybe when I'll change my device I'll try to but it again. As an artist - like the design.

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