It's back from 4 year disappearance. Originally released as a Doom mod, and now being remade as a full game InsaneCoke is a first person shooter being developed by Pebble Games. It features classical arena shooter style (Rocket Jumping, ETC.) with some elements from modern shooters.

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Howdy everyone!
Finally some news, cool, right?!
I placed my thoughts into two chapters.

New Engine
New? Well, not really...
The engine I am using is called InsaneGear. It's been in development for 2 years. Yeah!
I was using it in my most 3D projects, and it's first iteration was almost-perfect.

Right when i started working with Melting-Strike i realized it was not enough of work put it into it, so i adapted two engines into one, thus you can call it "InsaneGear 2" that was used up until now in Melting-Strike screenshots.
Now first of all, I'm switching to old engine for a few reasons.

- InsaneCoke 2 was developed to be used with full 3D graphics, 3D guns and not just overlays like Doom.
Whilst making AWP and other weapons it was good, until it came down to animations. They chopped down, bugged, glitched, the engine got slower and slower. I mean, the overlays are just sprites.
The animation i drawn was good, but the way engine handled variables when it has to be delayed, stopped ETC.
And it wasn't a glitch fault. I looked for the problem and found nothing. At all. It was deep under the layer of skin of my own InsaneGear blown on top of an engine that I didn't even make. That wasn't to the standarts of Melting-Strike.

InsaneGear 2 is for real 3D, and a good example of it would be this little project i worked on for a little while;

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Of course, that's another talk and i don't wan't to spoil it too much.
But since the first generation of InsaneGear has perfectly polished 2.5D graphics, I decided to downgrade. And I'm glad with my choice. You can see the cool animations in the video above.
What else does InsaneGear 1 have that InsaneGear 2 doesn't have? It has raytracing instead of creating object for each and every bullet. So it's not as laggy when shooting, also has headshots. That's for it.


For the past few weeks, maybe even months the progress on Melting-Strike was really lackluster.
I just couldn't progress any further, project got ceased....
But now that I'm back, here's how you can help me out!
Subscribe to me on Youtube, if you wan't to see some more content!
PM if you wan't to work together!
Also, track the project to get latest news!

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