InGlobe is an arcade rythm game, where you play as ball, with a mass and a volume, and you have to increase your mass and volume by eating the other objects.
But pay attention, the bigger objects can attract you and eat you, so keep distance from objects bigger than you and try to attract only the smaller objects.
This game is all about physics and music.
Each time an InGlobe action is done, depend on what you are eating, you will start a sound.
Thats''s mean that every time you play it you will listen do different music.

Description-Work in Progress.

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Work stopped.


So Hi everyone!

Today i have a good/bad news.
We stopped working on InGlobe, actually we stopped because here in Italy, ther's a company, Talent Garden (TAG), that every couple months makes a contest called "Startup weekend", actually everyone bring an idea, and in 3 days you must make a prototype of the project, they will give you a team of profesionists to help you out, if you win, you will gate an office in their Buildings.

So what that mean, we stopped working on the game 'cause we want to bring it to one of their start ups, so maybe we will get something better than what we are alredy making.

Thank you every one and have a nice day.

PS: In this couple months, instead, we are makinga new game Fantasy Roads, stay ready for updates!

Bad news - We lost all the data

Bad news - We lost all the data


All data burned! Actually the hard disk burned down.

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