
I am proud to present my newest game, a hardcore platformer that will push your skills to the limit (Release Trailer). You are a 2D square named Squarey, and have decided to trek to different parts of the 2 dimensional world. He will ask you to guide him to the door that leads to the next location, and you need to make sure he gets to the door without falling to his death or running into blocks of heated lava! Metal poles of immense weight are also dropping and rising out of nowhere, and various obstacles and platforms stand in Squarey's way of reaching the other side of the world - help him out! Buy Here!

This game has tight levels and each one only gets progressively more difficult. Show us your skills by completing over 20 difficult levels and a wide variety of areas and level design! You only get one life per run, and need to make sure that you get as far as you can!


Over 20 levels of insane platforming.

Fair and balanced difficulty curve.

Minimalistic and easy-to-look-at artstyle.

Day to night background transitions as you complete levels.

Free soundtrack download!


Like the FB Page to get updates and secret screenshots, passwords and more! New Games will also be updated there too!

The soundtrack comes with the game for free, so please enjoy that too.

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Release Trailer

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How Far Can You Go? A Platformer (information here), has now been out for two years, and I felt like it was time to give it a giveaway go! The trailer can be seen below:

It comes with a custom soundtrack included in the bundle!

I have been working hard on future projects, so give me a follow and you'll be updated with some cool news in the coming few months!

By the way, if you are looking for video game music to use in your video game, feel free to check out this link below: It's filled with a bunch of long tracks that sound like they're from a JRPG~

Until next time


Spikes Being Redone! Character Movement Improved

Spikes Being Redone! Character Movement Improved


So, this is a short update for everyone~ I have updated the obstacle system. Spikes will no longer appear, and Red Square Boxes will appear as entities...

Revamped! Project being continued!

Revamped! Project being continued!


"How Far Can You Go?" has been revived from its 20 month death! Prepare for new updates, music, art, and more information soon.




Tell me in the comments if there are any things you think I should do to improve the game! Thanks!

Original Soundtrack!

Original Soundtrack!


Take a short look at the soundtrack and the effort gone to produce catchy atmospheric pieces of music!

silver30150 - - 7 comments

Hey, my name is silver and I am trying to record a video about your game. But Fraps don't want to record as a game, I'm trying to go through this problem, I let you know more soon (ps I'm french)

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silver30150 - - 7 comments

This is my little french contribution to the game :)
I reached level 15 and that was a pleasure but you've got little bugs due to hitboxes I think! It contribue to the rage ambiance, thx for your game!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
JulianRice Creator
JulianRice - - 21 comments

Thanks for your feedback, I know about the hitboxes and am struggling to fix them at this point, but I've started to get the hang of it now. Again, thanks!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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