Based in South State USA where the player has to take down the drugs industry. This game involves a fully rolling map system where there are many routes and ways to take down the primnary (crystal meth Factory), secondary (Drug lords estate) and side missions (trailer park dealers). The game involves the local sheriffs office and then the National Guard if the fighting becomes furious in action. The National Guard base can be taken down at any time during the game to access a weapons station but this is not part a primary, secondary or side mission. The player starts off with two weapons, a winchester sawn off shotgun and a heckler and gloch semi automatic handgun. Weapons can be picked up in the game and dropped and include all different types of accurately detailed modern day military weapons. This game is an energy based game and it offers the message to the youngsters of SAY NO TO DRUGS. This will be out Xmas 2019. A detailed GDD document is still in the making and some prototype

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solosolution Creator
solosolution - - 14 comments

Game of Legends 2
I have recently built a cheat guide into my GDD and a written out the HELP guide which is obtained through one of the levels. The game is on track for a Xmas 19 launch. I am now detailing the opposition which includes

the CIA, Ex special forces, Hillbillys, Drug Barons, Bodyguards, Cybergentic Female Android Devices, the National Guard, State Troopers and the local sheriffs Department

The attributes including the weapons they will have in the game have all been detailed this morning

Reply Good karma+1 vote
solosolution Creator
solosolution - - 14 comments

I am looking for someone to help this upcoming forthcoming release. I have one interested party and I am looking to give 20% of the income gained from this release to the lucky marketing company or person.
It will be released on playstore, apple and steam at £1.19 standard mode or £2.19 at Developer access mode. Any interests please do not hesitate to contact me through this site or at

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solosolution Creator
solosolution - - 14 comments

The Games Design Document stage is almost complete.
A sneak preview to your inventory items :
Satellite Coverage (Inbuilt Function)
Transmitter (National Guard Base)
Flare Gun/Flash Grenade (Quarry)
Holographic Image Projector (Central Business Park)
Shield (Research and Development Level)
Wolf Whistle (Oil Rigging Company)
Psyche Control (Penquin Corporation - Dereliction)
Laser Sighted Targeting (The Gathering)
Incendiary Devices (Cruise Boat)
Speed Boost (Prison System)
Night Vision/Infra Red Vision Googles (Trailer Park 1 or 2)
Panic Alarm (Township)
Help Guide (The Church)
Nunchukas (Inbuilt Function)
Extraction Team (Inbuilt Function - Developer Mode Only)
Smoke Grenade (National Guard Base)
There will be 2 autoplayers (Mia - German Shepherd)and 3 selectable players

Reply Good karma+1 vote
solosolution Creator
solosolution - - 14 comments

Game of Legends 2 and I am hoping for an Xmas 2019 release.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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