Driving Mania Driving Mania is a game being developed by Paper And Games on the 3DRad engine. It has been in development since July 2014. Driving Mania came from one of the 3DRad concepts of driving a jeep through the wilderness which can be found in the engine files. Driving Mania is a sandbox driving game to play and mess around in. Some places you can travel to are the city, The Moon, space and anywhere you choose! Driving Mania is currently a single player only game but a multiplayer version is also being worked on and may or may not become a different game. Currently the game has been ported to French. Release Date: 15th of April 2018 DLC: We are not thinking about it yet... so TBA

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Driving Mania Snow Edition

Driving Mania Snow Edition

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Driving Mania Snow Edition is an addon for Driving Mania. It turns all terrarin into snow.