working on packaging small test releases as map and package sets.
a fully cooked demo was 160 meg, which isn't bad
but I will be aiming for at least one playable set of downhill slopes to putz with
aimin for a sub 20 meg target
and with optimization I'm hoping to even make it less than 10 if you already have UDK.

The terrain workflow is for a large scale fps adventure in UDK
but it was a lot of fun to go turbo off the top when the rock details were smoothed out by the meshmooth modifier....

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it turned out to be most fun to go flying down in the scorpion
but the manta is also interesting
note the small manta, framerate is nice even with nil LOD's

the levels sculpted with zbrush after the heightmap displacement

next iteration will have some actual sculpted jumps

These terrain workflows are an attempt to get large scales of terrain with a decent framerate in the udk and maintain some decent normal mapping.

The detail versions work for the fps adventure
but when smoothed and given more zbrush sculpting the terrain can be a lot of fun to tool around on, and its almost completely climbable

working on a small UDK package you can try that's small with the mesh
cooked its too big for this phase

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Its 140 meg cooked with an engine for a concept test this is 7 meg this is my attempt to package the terrain mesh and base lvl into a udk pkg I can't...

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