The complete megahit game that set the world afire. Plus All-New Episode IV: Thy Flesh Consumed.The demons came and the marines died. Except one. You are the last defense against these hell-spawned hordes. Prepare for the most intense mutant-laden, blood-splattered action ever! The texture-mapped virtual world is so real, you don't just play DOOM - you live it.The Ultimate DOOM takes you beyond anything you've ever experienced. First, you get all three original episodes - that's 27 levels of awesome, explosive excitement. Then it really blows you away with an all-new episode: Thy Flesh Consumed. Now you're dead meat. Just when you think you're getting pretty good at DOOM, you get hit with Perfect Hatred, Sever the Wicked and seven other expert levels never seen before! They're so incredibly tough, the first 27 levels will seem like a walk in the park!
This patch has been archived by the uploader because it is out of date and no longer supported. We recommend you browse the file list for the latest patch.
A few more bug fixes and a lot more polishing. A new cruelty bonus feature with unique health and armor bonus pickup sprites. Completed DragonSlayer and Revolver weapons with alternate fire modes. All weapons (Revolver, DragonSlayer, Nukelauncher and their ammo) can spawn during normal gameplay with any wad. You must use a launcher or write a .bat file to load this with brutal doom (loading 3 or more mods) 1st IWAD, 2nd brutalv21.pk3, 3rd bd21.0.3patch, and then everything else afterwards. This file comes zipped up with the changelog so, you have to unzip the archive first to then use the .pk3
// Brutal Doom v21 BLOODWOLF Patch
// Authored by BLOODWOLF
// v21.0.3patch 08/25/2019
// Sprites Folder: Slightly blurred the vehicle HUD images(transparency) and changed tank crosshair
// Added blackgloved version of motorcylce HUD by JMartinez2098
// Added corrected LH MP40 reload sprite (without charging handle) by JMartinez2098
// Modified and created new DragonSlayer frames for vertical and horizontal attacks
// Created new DragonSlayer frames for vert and horz powered-up attacks
// Modified the offsets and zoom-level of a few revolver sprites
// Changed the AXE1A0(weapon drop) frame to the new axe sprite
// Created purple sprites for the dragonslayer projectiles in Flames, Flares, Particles, and Explosions folders
// +Brightmaps Folder: Created brightmaps for the cruelty armor and health bonus pickups
// Player.txt: Removed ACS_ExecuteAlways(171,...) lines from Arachnotron2 fatalities
// Removed ACS_ExecuteAlways(582 & 583,....) lines from Arachnotron2 fatalities
// +Executions.txt: Modified first-person executions to spawn HealthCrueltyBonus2
// +AssaultShotgun.txt: Sped-up reload animation and added two more A_JumpIfInventory("Kicking",1,"DoKick")
// added a A_JumpIfInventory("HasUnloaded", 1, "PutMag") in Fire state
// +DEFAULTWEAPON.txt: Replaced all CrueltyBonus and FatalityBonus spawns with new version
// +DragonSlayer.txt: Created new states for vertical and horizontal attacks
// +DragonSlayer2.txt: Created a powered-up version of the DragonSlayer for when the user has the Berserk powerup
// +DualMP40.txt: Removed 3rd EmptyClipSpawn line
// -GrenadesPatch.txt; Deleted
// +Grenades.txt: Added in changes from GrenadesPatch.txt
// +Machinegun.txt: Added two checks for kicking during GrenadeReload state & increased NoAmmo2 state time to 10 tics
// Melee.txt: Removed ACS_ExecuteAlways(310,...) from StealthAttack state (forcing pistol select)
// +Revolver.txt: Created a RevolverBrass actor which is a scaled up version of EmptyBrass
// Created a SpentRound actor to track the number of spent rounds in the cylinder
// Set Revolver to use the new AmmoMagnum ammo
// Broke up InsertingShellsAnimation state into EjectBullets and InsertingBulletsAnimation states
// Added "Fan The Hammer" AltFire states
// Many other edits to make the weapon function intuitively
// +Revolver2.txt: Broke up the InsertingShellsAnimation state into EjectShells and InsertingShellsAnimation states
// Added "Fan The Hammer" AltFire states
// Changed the projectiles fired to that of the pump-action shotgun
// Many other edits to make the weapon function intuitively
// Rifle.txt: Moved A_TakeInventory("Reloading",1) before the jump to TurboReload in Reload state
// WeaponSpawners.txt: Created a ShotgunSpawnerReplacer allowing the Revolver to spawn 1/256 of the time
// Added a 1/256 chance for the NukeLauncher to spawn in the RLSpawnerReplacer
// Created a ChainsawSpawnerReplacer allowing the DragonSlayer to spawn 1/256 of the time
// Or the BrutalAxe to spawn 16/256 of the time in place of the chainsaw
// Ammo.txt: Created AmmoMagnum, AmmoMagnumBox, and AmmoNukeBox actors
// Created a ClipSpawner, ClipBoxSpawner, and RBoxSpawner actors to allow new ammo types to spawn
// Health2.txt: Changed frames of CrueltyBonus spawns to use new sprites
// Removed CrueltyBonus actors and renamed FatalityBonus actors to Health/ArmorCrueltyBonus
// +Archvile.txt: Replaced all CrueltyBonus and FatalityBonus spawns with new version
// -BaronPatch.txt: Deleted
// +Baron.txt: added in changes from BaronPatch
// Replaced all CrueltyBonus and FatalityBonus spawns with new version
// -BelphegorPatch.txt: Deleted
// +Belphegor.txt: Added in changes from BelphegorPatch.txt, changed health to 2300, and mass to 1900
// +Cacodemo.txt: Replaced all CrueltyBonus and FatalityBonus spawns with new version
// +Comando.txt: Replaced all CrueltyBonus and FatalityBonus spawns with new version
// added in missing GiveToTarget("SoulAmmo",10) in death states
// +Cyberdemon.txt: Replaced all CrueltyBonus and FatalityBonus spawns with new version
// Changed wandering legs to die after the See state and removed A_Scream and A_BossDeath lines
// +Demons.txt: Replaced all CrueltyBonus and FatalityBonus spawns with new version
// +DyingGuys.txt: Replaced all CrueltyBonus and FatalityBonus spawns with new version
// +Imps.txt: Replaced all CrueltyBonus and FatalityBonus spawns with new version
// -JuggernautPatch.txt: Deleted
// +Juggernaut.txt: Added in changes from JuggernautPatch.txt and increased rocket firing rate
// -KnightPatch.txt: Deleted
// +Knight.txt: added in changes from KnightPatch
// Replaced all CrueltyBonus and FatalityBonus spawns with new version
// +LABGUY.txt: Replaced all CrueltyBonus and FatalityBonus spawns with new version
// added in missing GiveToTarget("SoulAmmo",10) in death states
// Removed non-existant jump to "AcidGuy"
// added in missing "BloodyAxe" spawn in GroundExecution
// -MancubusPatch.txt: Deleted
// +Mancubus.txt: Added in changes from MancubusPatch
// Replaced all CrueltyBonus and FatalityBonus spawns with new version
// -MastermindPatch.txt: Deleted
// +Mastermind.txt: Added in changes from MastermindPatch
// Replaced all CrueltyBonus and FatalityBonus spawns with new version
// +Nazis.txt: Added in missing GiveToTarget("SoulAmmo",10) in death states
// Slowed movement by making the walking frames last for 2 tics instead of 1
// Fixed StealthKill state to allow for Nazi stealthkills
// +PainElemental.txt: Replaced all CrueltyBonus and FatalityBonus spawns with new version
// -RevenantPatch.txt: Deleted
// +Revenant.txt: added in changes from RevenantPatch
// Replaced all CrueltyBonus and FatalityBonus spawns with new version
// -SergeantsPatch.txt: Deleted
// +Sergeants.txt: Added changes from SergeantsPatch.txt
// Replaced all CrueltyBonus and FatalityBonus spawns with new version
// Added in missing GiveToTarget("SoulAmmo",10) in death states
// Removed A_NoBlocking from GroundExecution state (double item drops)
// Removed A_NoBlocking from Death.ExplosiveImpact and added it to BlownAwayRight and Left (double item drops)
// -SpidersPatch.txt: Deleted
// +Spiders.txt: added in changes from SpidersPatch
// Replaced all CrueltyBonus and FatalityBonus spawns with new version
// -Spiders2Patch.txt: Deleted
// +Spiders2.txt: added in changes from SpidersPatch, set health to 1100 and mas to 875
// Replaced all CrueltyBonus and FatalityBonus spawns with new version
// +Ubersoldat.txt: Added in missing HealthCrueltyBonus spawn for Death.Fatality state
// Added in missing GiveToTarget("SoulAmmo",10) in death states
// -VolcabusPatch.txt: Deleted
// +Volcabus.txt: Added in changes from VolcabusPatch, set health to 1400, and mass to 2300
// Replaced all CrueltyBonus and FatalityBonus spawns with new version
// Added Pain.Kick and Death.ExtremePunches states (was using Mancubus inherited states)
// -ZombiemenPatch.txt: Deleted
// +Zombiemen.txt: Added changes from ZombiemenPatch.txt
// Replaced all CrueltyBonus and FatalityBonus spawns with new version
// added in missing GiveToTarget("SoulAmmo",10) in death states
// Removed A_NoBlocking from GroundExecution state (double item drops)
// +BURN.txt: Replaced all CrueltyBonus and FatalityBonus spawns with new version
// +DEAD.txt: Removed fatality and crueltybonus spawns from dyingcomando and dyingrevenant (already awarded in death states)
// +PUFF.txt: Changed RevoPuff to DamageType Kick (headshot actors resist explosiveimpact damage)
// ArtilleryTank.txt: Copied the Tank actor's TurnLeft/Right, TurnLeft2/Right2, CheckifStillMoves, and Stay states then changed frames
// Created AltFireLeft and AltFire2Left states
// Bike.txt: Duplicated the Helicopters enter, exit, and LightEnd states in the bike actor
// Created TurnRightPedal and TurnLeftPedal states and reduced speed of bike when pedaling
// Several edits to how much speed is gained/lost in various states for realistic behavior
// +EnemyTanks.txt: Added in changes from EnemyTanksPatch.txt
// -EnemyTanksPatch.txt: Deleted
// Helicopter.txt: Created a HeliRestart token that is given if exiting fails causing attackhelicopterGun to go back to Ready state displaying the HUD again
// Tank.txt: Adjusted speed of the Tank to only be a little bit slower than the ArtilleryTank actor
// Assigned brightmap images to their specific frames
// DemonMorph.txt: Changed to give "GiveArmor" actor to player on unmorph/morphed level change (couldn't go over 200)
// DemonRunesPatch.txt: Took away the PICKUP flag from BaronPlayerPatch actor
// Created DRRPatch, PowerMorphRevenant, and RevenantPlayerPatch(removes PICKUP flag) actors
// Added DamageFactor "Slime", 0.0 and "Lava", 0.0 to Baron and Revenant player classes
// Created D4BaronHUDPatch and D4RevenantHUDPatch with A_Refire in each attack state so that can fire can be held down
// Allowed the Baron melee attacks to alternate between left and right hand attacks
// Reduced the Revenant primary attack to fire only four missiles in sequence instead of six
// +GLDEFS.txt: Created pulselight actors for cruelty pickups and added in missing frame for armorshard
// KEYCONF: Rearranged weapons to select the most powerful first and the weakest last
// +language.enu: Created a few more weapon pickup messages with their corresponding slot numbers
// +SNDINFO.BD: Created entries for IGNITE DSSKEATK and EXTINGUISH DSFLAMST for the DragonSlayer
// VEHICLECONTROL.txt: Changed to give "GiveArmor" actor to player on vehicle exit (couldn't go over 200)
// Added TakeInventory("PowerInvisibility",1); to HMG and Tank enter scripts
// v21.0.2 07/09/2019
// +FootSteps.txt: Added full-magazine starting ammo for all applicable weapons for non-purist classes
// +Rifle.txt: Removed redundant A_WeaponReady(1) from Fire and Fire2 states
// +DualPlasma.txt: Replaced turboreload state with an imitation of the dualrifle turboreload state
// -MeleePatch.txt: Deleted
// +Melee.txt: Added A_JumpIf(CheckClass("ExplosiveBarrel1",,) to CheckGrab and CheckGrab2 states
// Changed speed of melee attacks from the MeleePatch.txt (patching didn't work)
// +Mp40.txt Added Sprinting states to MG42
// Added a Tactical Mode check to DualWield state and a NoDual state to MP40
// Changed Reload state to GoTo Ready if there is no reserve ammo
// +Pistol.txt: Added a Tactical Mode check to DualWield state and a NoDual state to Pistol
// +Plasma.txt: Added a Tactical Mode check to DualWield state and a NoDual state to Plasma Rifle
// +Shotgun.txt: Changed Reload state to GoTo Ready instead of NoAmmo2 state when there is no reserve ammo
// Added a line to remove "ShotgunWasEmpty" in TurboReload states.
// +SSG.txt: Changed the Fire and AltFire2 states to jump to the Ready state instead of NoAmmo after firing in TacticalMode
// +SubMachinegun.txt: Added a Tactical Mode check to DualWield state and a NoDual state to SubMachinegun
// +WeaponsSpawners.txt: Normalized some of the fake sprite frames to fix sprite flickering
// -WeaponSpawnersPatch.txt: Deleted
// +Ammo.txt: Added a spawn state for Gas ammo that renders the gas can image
// Created a Nuke ammoicon that will display on the HUD
// BaronPatch.txt: Added DONTHARMSPECIES flag
// Belphegor2Patch.txt: Added DONTHARMSPECIES flag to prevent infighting
// +KnightPatch.txt: Added DONTHARMSPECIES flag
// +ArtilleryTank.txt: Created a new controls message specific to ArtilleryTank
// Added in missing zoomed states
// Added lines for BDATHUD script in Flash state
// Bike.txt: Set Bike actor to spawn 68 units to the player's right when exiting
// +ChaingunMarine.txt: Notated out ChangeFlag("Solid",1) lines in attack states
// +Helicopter.txt: Created a new controls message specific to Helicopter
// Moved TurnLeft & TurnRight states out of AttackHelicopterGun and into PlayerAttackHelicopter
// Created states for every possible 3D move
// Added many checks to Stay state to determine movement type
// Modified AttackHelicopterGun's Flash and firing states to emulate the tank actor
// Changed Missile to be triggered by the kick key
// +Mech.txt: Created a new controls message specific to Mech
// Added A_PlaySound(MECHWLK, 15) to MoveForward state
// +PlasmagunMarine.txt: Notated out ChangeFlag("Solid",1) lines in attack states
// +ShotgunMarine.txt: Notated out ChangeFlag("Solid",1) lines in attack states
// Tank.txt: Created a new controls message specific to Tank
// Added missing zoom states
// Added lines for BDTankHUD script in Flash state
// DemonMorph.txt: Removed unnecessary Delay()'s
// +KEYCONF: Arranged weaponslots to select the vanilla weapon first on key press and the most powerful weapon last
// +SNDINFO.Vehicles: Changed MECHWLK to use the DSHOOF sound effect
// VEHICLECONTROL.txt: Created BDTankHUD, BDATHUD, and BDHeliHUD scripts
// v21.0.1 05/30/2019
// Player.txt: Changed floor execution actors spawn xoffsets to 26 units in front of player
// Axe.txt: Replaced colored blood sprinting states (which were displaying no weapon sprite) with
// normal sprint state code and changed frames.
// DualRifle.txt: Updated to v21
// -ExplosivesPatch.txt: Deleted
// +MeleePatch.txt: Changed speed of melee attacks to simulate more realistic range/reach of attacks.
// +Saw.txt: Changed StartSprint state removing the lines that take away the blood on visor effects
// Added red, green, and blue variants of all sprinting states for tactical mode.
// WeaponSpawnersPatch.txt: Added patches for ShotgunSpawner, ShotgunSpawnerDroped, RailGunSpawner, BFG9000Spawner, BFG10KSpawner, and UnmakerSpawner
// that fix Spawn states to prevent double-sprite issues.
// Added MachinegunSpawnerPatch actor that gives the ClassicChaingun for purist mode and clip2, 20.
// +Artifact.txt: Added MorphToken Actor and set the DemonRuneMix to run the morph scripts
// -ArtifactPatch.txt: Deleted
// +Health2.txt: Set HeavyArmor back to 80% damage reduction
// BaronPatch.txt: Removed Health and Mass properties (fixed in v21)
// Belphegor2Patch.txt: Changed species to "Baronofhell"
// Changed fireball spawn height to 47 (half of sprite height) was going over player's head.
// MancubusPatch.txt: Added a height check before allowing a Volcabus to spawn.
// RevenantPatch.txt: Revenant now throws patched zombiemen actors who can cause 8-64 damage
// SergeantsPatch.txt: Changed spawn probability of SMGGuy from 128 to 64/256.
// VolcabusPatch.txt: Changed height to 83 so that headshot actors and volcabus-hitbox matches sprite dimensions.
// Adjusted headshot spawn heights to match sprite dimensions.
// -BURNPatch.txt: Fixed in v21
// +Bike.txt: Changed Enter and Exit scripts to use the HMG Enter/Exit scripts
// +EnemyTanksPatch.txt: Patched the ZombieHelicopter actor's death state to use "BDDisableCameraBig" instead of script 871 (no longer exists)
// +Tank.txt: Changed NoAmmo state frame to TNHD from TNT1
// DemonMorph.txt: Created World variable arrays for each player's health, armor#, and armorclass.
// Created MorphedLevelChange script that checks for the MorphToken if player exited while in demonform
// And returns that player's stats when entering the next level unmorphed.
// +VehicleControl.txt: Modified the GetVehiclePreviousHealth2, BDEnterHMG, BDLeaveHMG, BDEnterTank, and BDLeaveTank scripts to store and then return the player's armorclass
// RC10.2 05/17/2019
// +ArtifactPatch.txt: Patched the DemonRuneMix actor which now runs either the MorphBaron or MorphRevenant script.
// +DemonRunesPatch.txt: Patched the BaronPlayer class to have 1200 health and will match the monster.
// +DemonMorph.txt: Created a MorphBaron and MorphRevenant script that store the player's health & armor values returning them after unmorph.
// RC10.1 05/13/2019
// Player.txt: Updated to RC10
// +DualRifle.txt: Inserted the single Rifle's TurboReload state, changed the frames, and added a check for ammo which fixes the infinite loop crash.
// +ThrownMonsters.txt: Changed damaged of monsters thrown by the revenant to 8-64.
// BURNPatch.txt: Added back in lines for script 477 but corrected to "InitializeChasecam"
// BaronPatch.txt: Renamed file to match RC10 (was Baron2.txt)
// RevenantPatch.txt: Changed seekermissiles threshold and maxturnangle to 3,6 from 2,4 (track a little better)
// Changed speed of both revenant missiles to 15 and reduced zombieman, sergeant, and imp fatalities to only two slams before throwing.
// +VolcabusPatch.txt: Added Tag "Volcabus"
// RC9.1 05/04/2019
// Player.txt: Updated Land: state to RC9 and removed A_GiveInventory("IsFloating", 1) from SubMGIsJumping state.
// +GrenadesPatch.txt: Created FGEPatch, set grenade explosion max radius to 480, and has progressive damage.
// +WeaponsSpawnersPatch.txt: Normalized fake sprites that were using multiple images and causing drops to blink between two sprites.
// Baron2Patch.txt: Moved A_Die("Vanish") under the Death.Vanish state.
// +RevenantPatch.txt: Changed YellowFlareSmall to A_SpawnItemEx and 10 units behind the missile actor
// Changed SeekerMissile speed from 10 to 15, threshold to 2, maxturnangle to 4, and gave it the SMF_PRECISE flag
// SpidersPatch.txt: Removed ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("BDCHeckClassicMonsters") Vanilla Arachnotron doesn't exist.
// +CVARINFO: Adds the CVAR bd_disablereloading=0 to allow for reloading to be disabled online.
// +CVARSPatch: Adds a BD_DisableReloading script that gives turboreload if the CVAR is true and player is not tactical class.
// +LOADACS: Adds CVARSPatch to the ACS load order.
// RC8.1 04/27/2019
// +Player.txt: Sets Player.Face "STF" in Doomer
// +ExplosivesPatch.txt: Created a patch for the JuggernautRocket that spawns the backblast effects behind the rocket.
// +BURNPatch.txt: Created patches for Zombieman and Sergeant's XDeath that removes script call 477 (no longer exists).
// +Baron2Patch.txt: Sets health to 1200, mass to 1000, and adds the chance for the Belphegor2 to spawn 1/64th of the time.
// +Belphegor2Patch.txt: Adjusted actor radius to prevent it from becoming stuck when spawning in place of a Baron.
// +JuggernautPatch.txt: Many edits to properties and states.
// +MancubusPatch.txt: Adds the chance for a Volcabus to spawn 1/64th of the time.
// +MastermindPatch.txt: Adds the chance for a Juggernaut to spawn 1/64th of the time.
// +SpidersPatch.txt: Adds the chance for an Ancient Arachnotron to spawn 1/64th of the time and adds a stand state.
// +Spider2Patch.txt: Adds a Pain.Kick state for Ancient Arachnotron
// +SergeantsPatch.txt: Changes SMGGuy spawn chance to 50%.
// +ZombiemenPatch.txt: Changes LabGuy spawn chance to 1/64th and PistolZombie to 65.63%(RifleZombie at 32.81%).
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Thank you for the update! I really like to play BDv21 with the weapon & monster mutators you refined and uploaded.
EWM 1.1 is what Im working on now (quickest and easiest) and then will update ME which is the big project.
***Notice*** I just updated the file today I found a bug where the Revolver could continue to fire forever in the "Fan The Hammer" state even after using up it's six rounds because I had an A_Refire("Fire2") as the last line in the Fire2 state so, that is fixed now and the fixed file has been uploaded.
Thank you for uploading this! I really didn't expect a giant FFVII-styled sword in this file and it rips anything it touches. Thanks!
Thanks for the bug fixes and dedication to making Brutal Doom even better. I am getting a ton of script warnings though, didn't have them on 21.0.2. Not sure if it will affect any gameplay. Nobody seems to have reported it yet. I have tested with GZDoom 3.7.2 and 4.2.0 running Arch Linux, same result. Check the output of the console here:
GZDoom has broken compatibility with Brutal Doom. I can't fix their port. Zandronum works perfectly with BD btw.
Today at the end of the year 2020 Gzdoom continues to break the compatibility of several other mods that use the latest added features. Embers of Armageddon is the last I saw that did this. I just don't understand why Lzdoom, being a legacy post version, has the same problem.
This mod throws up tons of script warnings.
Here is how you can resolve them:
Actual errors:
Change "Shells" and "Clips" to "Shell" and "Clip" in DEAD.txt; this allows these decorations to drop the correct items
Remove references to LeftRifleAmmo in Player.txt and footsteps.txt; they are references to nothing.
Change "Mini_gun" to "Minigun" in ChaingunMarine.txt; allows the gun to drop as intended.
Change "CC" and "ZZ" in KeyConfig to "C" and "Z"
Code being picky about syntax (it will run better once fixed):
You will need to run a find and replace of "random (-2.5, 2.5)" to "frandom (-2.5, 2.5)" on the following files:
Hope to see these changes in the next update for a cleaner load.
Great work with the patch so far. Like it so much I included support to the cruelty bonuses in the voxel patch I am maintaining.
There is a Shells and Clips reference in MapSpecificDec.txt as well.
Yes I loaded up my patch one time with GZDoom and seen all those truncation errors and fixed em a while ago. The impossible to doublebind errors kinda annoy me too but I think I have Z as reload and C as crouch so, maybe I will just clear those out instead to get rid of the startup error messages. I have never seen any errors about "shells" or "clips" before what port are you running? And will fix that LeftRifleAmmo unnecessary actor but, have never received any errors about that one either.
did you removed the crosshairs ads problem?
What is the crosshairs ADS problem? Once I complete Eternal Doom on my server (how i test each release before uploading) I plan to upload my current version. I dont think anyone has mentioned this and I haven't seen a problem yet.
When I pick up the Megasphere, my Armor Reduction becomes 50% rather than 80% in this patch where the Blue Armor is supposed to give out 80% armor reduction. Is that intended?
When I have the Regular Blue Armor with the 80% damage reduction that is below 200 armor, the megasphere replaces my damage reduction to 50%.
EDIT: Nevermind. Tomfetar's Extension was loaded after this patch and interfered with your armor changes.
I was at the group when you shared the contents by discord and I want to get all the files from brutal doom
where shoud U get all of them i download this but there are files I donnt have