Straight forward side scrolling shooter. Gameplay idea was to make use of accelerometer to rotate the world around the player as he changes altitude, not just move him up and down. Started as AppEasy engine beta test project, slowly evolves into a full game.

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Taking a small break from my main project I spent some time with DogFight Dog recently. Few months ago I ditched it after an engine update that broke the majority of level and gameplay I had already done. Now it took a few days to get it up and running so it wasn't that bad as I felt back then ;) Since I had to set up lot of things again it ended up with a lot faster/dynamic gameplay which actually feels better than before. Made some other tweaks, fixed some bugs and added gyro and altitude meter to GUI.
Still there's only one level with boss on end but it's pretty long and challenging so it should take a while to complete.

You can grab it here and I'd be delighted to hear some feedback

short video footage of it running in simulator:

DogFight Dog beta out

DogFight Dog beta out


First beta version is available for free in google store

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