Our civilization once spanned the solar system. Its ruins are still out there: buried in the dunes of Mars, hidden in the jungles of Venus, lost in a wild and abandoned Earth. For centuries we've huddled under the safety of the Traveler, protected from our enemies. Now, a new era has begun, and the only hope for our future lies in unlocking the greatest mysteries of our past. Defend the last safe City on Earth. Defeat our enemies. Explore the ancient ruins of our solar system. Discover all that we have lost. Become legend.

RSS Reviews

SergeantFreedom says

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Bungie has done it again.

With massive open worlds to explore in, an in-depth campaign and tons of quests and bounties to complete this game truly never gets old.



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Je tient juste à dire : "WOAW !" Ce jeu a été une découverte pour moi. Une découverte qui vaut bien cette note! Je trouve ce jeu formidable : le fait que l'on puisse faire les campagnes à plusieurs etc ... Même l'histoire est selon moi très bien pensée et donne envie d'une suite ! Vivement le 2 !